Hello my lovebirds,
I hope all is well.
I'm someone who tends to take things at heart. I get involve and I care too easily. I feel too deeply. I understand too much. I tend to have too much empathy - more often than so for people I shouldn't feel for. I don't know when it all happened but I've grown accustomed to taking someone's pain as my own. It can be quite devastating. Over the years, I have managed to keep my emotions on check somehow by accepting and doing 3 things.
#1 Perfection doesn't exist
This one is something we've all struggled with. Society and movies keep telling us to push further. To give it our best, to achieve perfection on our way to the top. The truth is perfection doesn't exist and it would be boring if it did. Life is messy. It doesn't always go your way. No matter how much you try to fix something, some things cannot be mended. You have to accept that people, life and things are not perfect. Nothing is black or white. You might have failed today but you can still succeed tomorrow. You can always do better. Nothing is set. Everything changes.#2 'No' is always an option
For the longest time, I was one of those people who would agree to do things they didn't want to do. I would say 'yes' simply to please someone. I have a tendecy to put myself last. I have this crazy habit of considering others before me. I'm working on it. I'm working on learning that saying 'no' is okay. You can choose yourself. You don't have to hurt someone else in the process either. You can be direct and decide what your priority is. Your choices define who you are so don't do something for the sake of it! Oh and remember that people always leave and in the end, you only have yourself. Don't loose yourself trying to please someone else.#3 Start a fuck budget
I read the book The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k and it was amazing. I've grown into someone who doesn't give too much fuck to people who don't deserve one second of my time. Life is too short to give fucks to things or people who don't deserve it. Now, before deciding on doing or caring, I stop and take a second to ask myself : 'would this person do the same thing for me? Does this bring me joy? Does it sit right with me? Does it improve my life or the life of someone I love?' If the answer is no then I'm taking a step back and leaving for the next chapter.Do you have any experience or thoughts to share with us?
Hello my lovely birds,
I hope all is well. Last month I went on holidays with my dear friend Melissa. We discovered Berlin. It was my first time in Germany and it was not what I expected. Bare in mind that I understand and speak very few german. It was funny to try to make it work despite it. Thankfully, most of them speak fluent english. I loved the architecture. I loved the colourful buildings and their open steets. Their public transport system is fairly amazing. They have many options for traveling around the city: coaches, subways, trains... However, the german logic is very far from mine. We had a hard time understanding how everything worked. On the last day we had lunch in a lovely vegan restaurant. I tried and adopted vegan asian food. I was so amazed by how many vegan options were available everywhere throughout my journey. I'm definitely jealous of every country I visit. In that department, we are so far behind in France. On overall, I enjoyed Berlin and its lay back vibe. In my head, I'm already planning my next trip there ahaha

Have you ever been to Berlin?
Hello my sweet birds,
A couple weeks ago, I had a great sunday exploring the south of France. It's such a lovely part of France. I don't really know much of this area. This is my summer plan: getting to know more of this lovely country. I've already planned a few weekends getaway with my girls and my boyfriend. I'm going back to Lyon but I will also visit Bordeaux & Montpellier.
On this little photo diary, you'll find a few shots I took on one of my sunday trips with the boy. We strolled around the park in Aix, spent a few hours near the Lake of Bimont. We finally ended up walking around the Port of Cassis. I used to go there when I was younger but I didn't exactly remember how pretty it is... I defintely fell in love with how cute and pastel the buildings are up there!
In case, you didn't know, I post - at least once a week - on my Instagram. You can find silly stories and photos of my everyday life.
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Hello my sweet birds,
I hope all is well.
I've been toying with the idea of writing about bravery. Over the years, it has become something quite important. It can have different shapes and forms. Yet, I can observe bravery everyday and still be amazed by how brave people are. There is no small act of bravery. Sometimes being brave involves getting out of bed and sometimes it takes more than that. Sometimes it's simply standing up for yourself or someone else. Sometimes it's choosing to take the high road when all you want to do is fight. Sometimes it's kicking life to the curb. Sometimes it's simply breathing. It often involves getting out of your comfort zone.
I've never considered myself as brave. I've always felt like I was playing it safe. Always saying the right thing at the right time. Being the perfect little girl everyone wanted me to be. I'm pretty sure that for a while I was that girl. The one that had to always be perfect. Be who everybody wanted me to be. Oh boy, that girl with the broken smile was not happy. She was bittersweet.
She was a tune I could not play. It took me a long time and a big struggle to realize it. I made a promise to myself that day. Every night that I cried myself to sleep thinking that tomorrow would be my very last day, I decided. I decided that if life, god, jesus or karma decided to let me live and to give me another chance I would be better. I would do better. I would overcome my fear. I will no longer let my fears rule me.
If anyone would have told me back then that 5 years later I would still be alive, I would have not believed it. The odds were so against me. I could barely walk. My lungs were failling. My liver was crappier than ever. Breathing simply felt like it was taking away all the strength I had left. I was sick. Very sick but also tired of life pushing me around. I could barely get out of bed. Everything hurt.
And then, I got better. I got so much better. I could walk again. I could breath. I don't think I've felt happier in my life than the day they told me I was cured. I would never feel so helpless. And then, for the first time in my life I was safe.
What I mean here by sharing this part of my story is that you shouldn't wait for life to knock you down to decide to do something brave, to be brave. That's when the magic happens. Make the most of today. You can never know how much time you have left on your clock...
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
photo by ©LoulouG8
Life is a precious thing. I don't know when or how but at some point we all forgot how precious life can be. I rejoy in the simpliest moments of life. I love afternoons and evenings with my family of friends. I can't take life too seriously.
I have learnt that I can't stay mad. I can't blame anyone. I get tired easily. I don't see the point. I don't give a fuck. It doesn't fit into my fucks budget. Carring about what they did to me or what they thought of me, are beyond me. Something I used to do. For someone who never thinks before she speaks, I was always bothered with the results.
Some people just don't matter. Surely, I will get mad. I will shot and scream. I will argue. I will cry but in the end, I will let go. It will stop bothering me. It took me a lot of efforts and a lot of time but I can now let go. It's such a powerful thing to be able to let go of what doesn't please you. It makes you happy.
It has freed my time and my mind. It's easier. Why did I even care in the first place? What's the point of caring for people who don't care about you or what they do to you?
If I had any advice to give to you, my bird, it would be to stop giving a fuck. It's such a wonderful thing.
Dance like nobody is watching. Speak like no one is listening - they are only pretending anyway. Put yourself first once in a while. Do something just for you. Be yourself and fuck the rest. Live today as if it was your last.
What if today was the last day of your life? What would you do?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
photo by ©LoulouG8
Hello lovebirds, I hope all is well. Long time no see, I know. I have been running out of time and energy but I miss blogging way too much! I have been trying a few different ways to remove my makeup. On the top of that list has been Garnier. I'm on more of a budget these days... So I try to figure out ways to cut expenses. As I heard wonders about this brand, I decided to give it my best shot. 3 months later, here is my full report...
Description & use
I tried a few makeup removers from the Garnier SkinActive range. I tried the sensitive & dry skin and the sensitive skin products. I also gave the yellowy Biphase a go. It wasn't my cup of tea. A few weeks ago, they released a new - and blue - version which was more my style. The pink product is fairly easy to use. You use a cotton pad to apply it on your face and remove all your make up. It does take a few before you are completely makeup free. The blue product is more suitable to remove eye makeup and lipstick. Don't forget to shake it up before applying it on your cotton pads!
My thoughts
Both products are equally good but I do prefer the micellar water. I'm not the biggest fan of the oily side of every biphase products I have ever encountered... I'm on my third pink bottle so I think it's safe to say that I'm hooked! It's a cheaper and nice alternative to my usual products. For once, drugstores products have conquered my heart... Sweet birds, what's happening?
Do I recommend those products? Yes, 100% to anyone looking for good drugstore products.
Have you tried anything from Garnier's skincare range?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Hello my birds,
I hope all is well for you. It must not come as a surprise but I have decided to do my kind of resolutions. I don't believe in resolutions so I will call these: "my small goals for 2018". I've been thinking and there are a few things I need to give up. This year is going to be my last year as a student - if everything goes right. I need to sort out a few things and get a grip on other things. I mean, I should be more of an adult.
#1 Declutter my life
I feel like I have too many things. I have too many things in my life, on my mind. I need to sort everything out. Reduce the amount of shit I own and buy. I've already manage to reduce the food I waste. I want to reduce the amount of plastic I use. I want to declutter my wardrobe. I want to have a big change. Something different. I want less crap.
#2 Take more time to rest
I'm always rushing. Going places and collecting sleepless nights. I need to remember to take timeout and rest. I need to remember that choosing myself is okay. I have been feeling very tired. I think I might need a good week off...
#3 Travel more
I love traveling. I want to discover new cities. I need to meet new people. See what this world is all about. Adventure is calling. Who's down to be my travel buddy? Let's leave tomorrow.
What are the things you want to leave in 2018?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Hello my birds, happy new year! I hope all is well.
2017 - This year has been quite challenging for me. I lost the most important person in my life. It was my first Christmas and New Year Eve without my grandmother. I would spend every sunday at her house. I used to spend every Christmas break with her as well. It was our tradition. We would all come to her house on Christmas morning and have a big family meal. I would take care of her whenever she would need me. She was my rock, my Italian roots - a part of me. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my nana. She was a big part of my world.
2017 had started so well and yet it unravelled a bigger loss than I expected. The world has become such a messed up world. This year was the definition of change.
I fell in love with someone I shouldn't have loved at all... I wasn't careful enough and fell for the wrong guy. It broke my heart all over again.
I also made a few mistakes along the way. Although, it was nothing major. What's for sure is that I learnt a lot in 2017. I learnt a lot about who I am as a person.
I cannot stand bullshit. Most of all, I don't have time for anything else than sheer happiness.
I got a new intership. I made some new friends and lost other friends along the way - or maybe I had already lost them a long time ago. I had a few good times and not so good times. I had a lot of sleepless nights. I danced and smiled more than I thought I could. I met different people. I said 'yes' to life more than I should have said 'no'.
If I had to sum it up, it would be someting like this:
1. I am human. I am not perfect. I am flawed but I'm not broken.
2. True friends will always stand by you no matter what. Friends are the family you pick.
3. Life has to be cherished and lived to the fullest. - aka late nights, good food, good drinks and tired feet.
4. Being busy and focused. Finding my way.
5. People. Don't get me wrong, they can be pretty awful. They are - at times - heartless monsters but sweet Jesus, - at other times - they can be so lovely. They can make me feel so special and loved. In the end, isn't that all one can wish for?
What are your 5 good things from 2017?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x