Hello lovebirds! I recently discovered this wonderful brand called Argan Dew. Argan Dew's products are not tested on animals and doesn't contain SLS/SLES or paraban which makes them AMAZIIIING! This brand is quite new but definitely deserves more credits. I hope that this will inspire you and help you discover an amazing hair care range. Besides, I'm absolutely head over heels with their lovely packaging.
I've tried two samples from Argan Dew : a hair mask and an argan oil. Argan oil is is a key ingredient of their products. I've used both of their products for a couple of weeks now... So here's my review of Argan Dew products.
My opinion :
The first thing I noticed was the smell. I love how it smells. I left it on for about 10-15 minutes twice a week. The texture isn't too thick or too greasy. I didn't feel like my hair was greasy afterwards. I always have to wash my hair every other day so it's usually pretty greasy but this product didn't make it worst... On the contrary, my hair feels healthier and smoother. It was shinny and easy to manage.
Do I recommend this product?
Yes definitely, it's a great hair mask. I definitely want to order a full size of this product!
It's a very light oil yet it's quite moisturizing. I only applied it onto my ends. The Miraculous Hair Oil did help my damaged and dry hair. Everytime I used it my hair was sooo smooth! The smell can come off as quite strong. However, it doesn't linger on your hair for long. It nourrishes your hair without making it greasy. I couldn't be happier!
Do I recommend this product?
Yes, I like this oil as well. It's a fairly good oil.
Have you ever tried any of Argan Dew products? What's your take on Argan oil?
Thanks for reading and I will see you tomorrow! ♥
* This post is not sponsored. The products were sent to me for free. However, it contains my genuine and very own opinion.
Bonjour, les lovelies! J’ai récemment découvert la super marque Argan Dew. Leurs produits ne sont pas testés sur les animaux et ils ne contiennent pas de SLS/SLES et de paraben ce qui les rend terriblement fantastiques. Cette marque est assez récente et pourtant il mérite d’être d’avantage connu. Je partage donc ma découverte dans l’espoir que cela vous permettra de découvrir une nouvelle marque de produits pour les cheveux. En plus, avouons-le leur packaging est carrément trop mignon.
J’ai donc testé deux échantillons de Argan Dew : un masque et une huile pour les cheveux. L’huile d’argan est un ingrédient clé de chacun de leurs produits. J’ai utilisé ces produits pendant deux semaines. Je vous laisse donc sans plus attendre découvrir ma revue de leurs produits !
Argan Dew Intensive Replenishing Hair Mask, full size 250ml £29.95*
La première chose que j’ai remarquée est l’odeur. J’adore l’odeur de ce produit. J’ai laissé posé le masque entre dix et quinze minutes. La texture du masque n’est pas trop épaisse ou trop grasse. Je n’avais pas l’impression que mes cheveux étaient gras par la suite. Et pourtant, je suis bien souvent obligée de me laver les cheveux un jour sur deux. Ce produit n’a pas empiré les choses. Au contraire, mes cheveux me semblent en bonne santé et tout doux. Ils sont brillants et faciles à manier.
est-ce que je le recommande?
Oui, définitivement, je recommande ce produit… Dés que possible, je vais commander le produit en full-size !
Argan Dew Miraculous Argan Oil, full size 100ml £24.95*
L’huile d’argan de Argan Dew est très légère et pourtant nourissante. Je l’applique seulement sur mes pointes. Miraculous Hair Oil a véritablement aidé mes pointes abimées. Après chaque utilisation, mes cheveux étaient tout doux. Néanmoins, l’odeur est assez forte mais heureusement celle-ci ne reste pas dans votre chevelure bien longtemps. En conclusion, ce produit nourrit vos cheveux sans les alourdir. Je suis convaincue !
est-ce que je le recommande?
Oui, clairement, je suis impressionnée par ce produit aussi. C’est une huile vraiment sympa.
Vous pouvez obtenir une réduction de -20% sur votre commande en cliquant sur le lien suivant et en utilisant le code suivant : argandew.
Avez-vous déjà testé un de leurs produits ? Que pensez-vous de l’argan en règle générale ?
Merci pour votre lecture et à demain ♥
Hello my lovebirds! If you've been following me for a while, you probably know by now that in the summer, I love doing photo diaries. I always do a series of photos that I call 'spend the day with me'. Those photographs were taken on a Sunday afternoon out with my besty. We went to a little heaven on earth. A valley with beautiful lights and trees. I definitely fell in love with that place. Can I live there, now? Pretty Please? I had no idea a place like that existed only a few miles away from my parents home. As you can see it's pretty incredible. I swear, it looks even prettier in real life. If you're ever in the South of France, near Gemenos, go chech out the Valley of Saint Pons. I, surely, will be going back there. It's darn magical!
Hey lovebirds, is it possible to be in love with a place? ... SEND HELP...
- With love, Serena x
Hello my lovebirds! I recently shared with you my last discovery :the original coffee scrub. I've actually find something else I've been loving. It's the body shop body butter. It smells amazing! It leaves my skin smooth and seriously less dry. I've been using it for a couple of weeks. I'm addicted to the smell. It's incredible! It does smell like raspberries. I love how easy it's to apply and how good it smells. It melt and hydrates your skin. I much prefer body butter to any classical body cream. It's definitely my favourite body butter!
Have you ever tried any of the body shop body butter? Which one is your favourite?
Thanks for reading and I'll see you tomorrow! ♥
Hello my lovebirds! J'ai récemment découvert un gommage pour le corps dont je suis tombée folle amoureuse. Un beurre pour le corps s'est à présent ajouté à ses côtés. Je suis devenue accro à ce beurrre pour le corps à la framboise. Il sent véritablement la framboise. Il est nourrissant. Il pénètre rapidement dans la peau et la laisse douce et lisse. Il sent incroyablement bon. Je suis complétement accro à cette odeur. Il est tellement facile à appliquer. C'est définitivement mon beurre pour le corps préféré!
Avez-vous déjà essayé un des produits de bodyshop? Quel est votre beurre pour le corps préféré?
Merci pour votre lecture et on se retrouve demain pour un autre article ♥
Hello lovebirds! I discovered something amazing. Something from Frank, it called the original coffee bodyscrub. I wanted to try a new bodyscrub and I decided to go with Frank. You can order it online from his website for €14.95. Even after six months, it's still not empty. I thought you might be interested by this bodyscrub. I don't think I've heard anything about it so I thought I would give it a go.
My opinion :
I've been using this bodyscrub for about six months now. I use it at least once a week and then I apply my favourite cream. This bodyscrub has the consistency of coffee. It leaves my skin soft and supple. You're supposed to use it 3 to 5 times a week and leave it on for a few minutes. My sensitive skin is sooo happy. It also helps when I get a few spots here and there. Afterwards, they are slightly less red. The only downside is how messy it gets haha but if you don't mind the mess, it's the perfect bodyscrub!
Do I recommend this product?
Definitely yes! I'm soooo glad I found this coffee scrub. I'll definitely buy another one as soon as mine is empty! I'm addicted to Frank's bodyscrub!
Have you ever tried any of Frank's products? What's your favourite bodyscrub? Thanks for reading and I will see you on Wednesday! ♥
Bonjour mes lovebirds! Cela fait maintenant plusieurs mois que j'utilise le gommage de Frank. Je dois avouer que je n'étais pas convaincue en l'essayant mais les résultats sont non négligeables. C'est pourquoi, j'ai choisi de partager avec vous cette jolie découverte :) Le gommage est disponible sur le site de la marque au prix de €14.95 si vous choisissez comme moi la version Original Coffee Scrub. Je dois dire qu'en utilisant une quantité assez importe (une poignée de produit) par semaine, mon sachet n'est toujours pas vide après six mois d'application hebdomadaire.
mon avis sur le produit :
J'utilise ce produit depuis six mois environs. Je fais ce gommage au moins une fois par semaine puis ensuite j'hydrate ma peau avec ma crème préférée. Le gommage en lui-même est granuleux puisqu'il se compose de grains de café moulu. Il ne faut néanmoins pas le boire ou le manger ahahaha. Il est étrangement assez doux. J'ai été très surprise. Ma peau sensible n'a pas été affecté par ce gommage. Au contraire, il laisse ma peau toute douce et lisse sans l'agresser. Il réduit l'apparence des petits boutons rougeâtres occasionnels. Il apaise ma peau compliquée. Le seul incovénient est sûrement le fait qu'il laisse des morceaux partout sur son passage. Ma douche se transforme en véritable champs de bataille.
est-ce que je le recommande?
Oui, je le recommande très fortement même. Dès que mon coffee scrub sera vide, je vais vite en commander un autre! Je suis conquise par cette jolie découverte ♥
Merci pour votre lecture et on se retrouve mercredi ♥
Heeeey my lovelies! You might remember this blog where I explained how my life wasn't going the way I wanted it to go. Well, that's putting it simply. Maybe it's more complicated than that. Anyway, I decided to take a big leap of faith. I took it upon myself to get rid of what made me sad. Above everything else, I simply want to be happy. I want to wake-up every morning and feel like I'm doing something right. Blogging feels right. I love blogging. I love writing, taking photographs, creating contents and sharing it with you. I love talking with you, reading your comments. Ultimately, I would be lying if I claimed that I didn't wish it to be a job. However, my blog is clearly not anywhere near that. And that's okay. I got a little out of topic, sorry for all the rambling. July and june have been pretty tough on me. As I took it upon myself to make some changes in my life. I've had to go back to my parents' house after five years away - and yes, it has not been a piece of cake. I've left one of the nicest cities. I kissed goodbye to my independence and my city life to get reunited with my 'country life'. I've had to deal with (p l e n t y of) setbacks. Nothing is going right. I don't feel like my life is back on tracks or that I even have my sh** together.
It's not what happens, it's how you handle it.
I need to make up my mind. For a while, it felt like my brain was frozen. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't think. My head was deep in the dark clouds. Do I try to find a job or do I keep studying ? Do you I try (again) to get into a course that will be more 'me' or do I leave for another country ? I've been absolutely lost. I've been failing at pretty much everything for the last two years. It has been exhausting. Trying and failing. Trying my best and failing yet again. I have this habit of giving my whole to everything. Even if I hate what I'm doing, I will give it my whole. So what should you do when you keep falling ? Do you get back up and keep fighting or do you just give up and surrender ? How would you handle it ? Would you settle? When life throws a curve ball at you, what do you do ? I don't want to get into too much details but I'm trying to figure out what to do with my life. As I'm getting one step closer, life pushes me to the side. All my attempts to move on keep failing. I feel stuck.
speak the truth and laugh out loud.
Life is never easy. It keeps you on your toes. It rattles you. It certainly made me realize how important it's to be grateful. I've been incredibly lucky. This year, I've been able to travel to a few different cities. I've been able to grow and work on my blog. I've met amazing people along the way. I trust my guts and my guts are always right. I've learnt how important it's to cherrish the little things. The little things like good health, spending time with my cat in the morning, lazy days in the sun, afternoon walks in the countryside, time spent with old friends and family. In the end, all is well. Everything could be worse. I need to accept that I can't win at life. I can't have it all.
I strongly believe that we should be kinder to each other. We can never know what's going on in the mind of those who surround us. Being understanding, accepting and respectful are essential qualities. I wish more people were trying to be good. I wish we were more understanding, loving and respectful of each other. I wish being different wasn't so criticized. I don't understand people who judge others without knowing their stories or those who believe they're better than the rest of us. I will never understand or tolerate those who judge a book by its cover. They are worthless - a waste of human life.
Do your thing and be happy for those who get the chance to do what they want to do. Nowadays, it's sooo rare to see someone doing something they want to do. Or maybe, it's just me ? I've noticed that passionate people are hard to come by. Don't
I'm a firm believer of this thing called Karma. You get what you deserve. Yet, why is it that this world is filled with succesful assholes ? Do you have to be an asshole to succeed in life? Then, I guess I'll never have the life I've been dreaming of. I guess I will never make it. I'll never have my dream job, my dream flat, my dream life. I guess it's not written in my stars.
I'm not sure yet, if I should give up on my dreams.
I've never been much of a dreamer and yet, I've been dreaming of a different life for myself.
How do you deal with setbacks? What is toughest thing you've had to deal with? What's your life story? What are your dreams?
Thanks for reading this nothingness of a blogpost and I will see you on Monday! ♥
Hi my lovebirds! I'm doing a little outfit post again. I love doing these little outfit lookbooks/ideas. It's so inspiring and it allows me to approach fashion. It's a way for me to add fashion into Serenbird mix. In case you've missed my other blogs, you can find them under the label fashion. You will find some summer outfit ideas below. Enjoy ♥
What are your favourite summer outfits? What your wearing this summer? Thanks for reading and I will see you on Sunday! ♥
Bonjour mes lovebirds! Je vous retrouve pour un autre article mode. J'adore faire ce genre d'articles et réaliser des looks pour vous. Je les trouve tellement inspirant et cela me permet d'aborder un de mes sujets préférés : la mode. Dans un sens, c'est une façon pour moi d'ajouter un peu de mode à Serenbird. Si jamais vous avez manqué mes précédents articles modes, vous pouvez les retrouver sous le label : fashion. Vous trouverez des idées de tenues dans les photos ci-dessus.
Et vous quelles sont vos tenues préférées pour l'été ? Merci pour votre lecture et on se retrouve dimanche! ♥
Hey lovebirds! The main topic of today's blog is foundation. I was talking with my friends the other day and I realized that over the years, I've sort of gathered some knowledge regarding foundations. As a result, I desperately wanted to share it with you. Therefore, I've made a little list. I will call this blogpost : a guidebook - foundation 101.
Bare in mind that I'm far from a beauty guru. I'm simply a blogger who loves beauty and makeup. I've tried many foundations and made a lot of mistakes. If this little guidebook thingy is of any help to anyone, my mission would be completed. I will stop rambling know and get right to the point!
Firstly, you have to decide between powder and liquid foundation. In my experience, baked pressed mineral powders work best on oily to combinaison skins. However, it can be used to set makeup and prevent ceasing. My first foundation ever was a powder. It's easy to apply and natural looking. Besides, liquid foundations are more complicated to apprehend. They are so many formulas and effects you can achieve or expect in a liquid foundations. In fact, before purchasing your liquid base, you have to decide if you want a matte or glowy finish. Of course, you also have to decide how much you want to spend on your base. I, for once, - as always - am a big fan of high end foundations. I feel like a good base is the key to any makeup look.
One if not the most important part. NEVER EVER CHOOSE A SHADE THAT IS NOT A PERFECT MATCH OF YOUR SKINTONE. If you're anything like me, you know how much of a struggle it can be. Nonetheless, it's definitely worth it. I don't know how many times over the years, I've had to fight or listen to someone advising me to pick a shade slightly darker than my skin. If your fair like me, you've probably experienced something similar. I don't know but people always seem to want me to wear a foundation darker than my skin. There is nothing I hate more than having a face darker than my neck... Come on, it's 2016 !
Then, comes the big issue : coverage. How much coverage do you really need? Do you want a full flawless face or just your skin but better look? Do you fancy a light coverage or full coverage? It depends on what you want to hide and how much you want to hide. I always reach for my powder on days where my skin isn't having an existencial crisis. On other days, I will pick my favourite foundation. I like natural or glowy finishes with light to medium coverage depending on my skin's situation.
I'm honestly quite amazed by people who can pull off a full face of makeup. Make up can be so amazing. It's like you're painting your face and revealing your inner beauty to the world.
~ For summertime and light coverage : Chanel SPF50 CC cream. (normal skin)
~ For winter and full coverage : MAC, Mineralize Moisture SPF 15 Foundation. (dry skin)
~ Everyday flawless face : Charlotte Tilbury, Light Wonder foundation SPF 15. (normal skin)
~ The Drugstore option : L'oréal LumiMagique or healthy mix. (normal to combinaison skin)
~ My favourite powder foundation : mac mineralize skinfinish natural. (no powdery effect)
What about you? Do you have any tips or experiences with foundations that you'd like to share? It's always helpful and highly appreciated by me and my readers so don't hesitate to share with us your very own little 101 foundations. Thanks for reading and I will see you on Friday! ♥ x
Hi my lovelies! How are you doing? A few months ago, I bought a new highlighter. If you don't know, the brand Becca is one of the favourite brands of youtubers and bloggers all over the world. I guess the shade Champagne Pop is more famous. However, I wanted something discrete on my fair skin. I didn't want that POP EFFECT, if you know what I mean. After doing some research, I went for their Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed in Moonstone. I bought mine online from Cult beauty. The delivery was quite fast and it arrived in perfect condition.
My opinion :
I feel like it's a very natural highlighter in the sense that it doesn't look 'fake'. It could definitely be your natural glow but better. At least, that's how I see it. It's easy and quick to apply with a fan brush. It's my favourite highlighter at the moment...
Do I recommend this product ?
I don't see why I shouldn't recommend this product. It beautifully illuminates your face. Unfortunately, it's quite pricey (£32.00) but it's irrevocably worth the hype!
What's your favourite highlighter from Becca? Have you tried any of Becca's products? Thanks for reading and I will see you on Wednesday! ♥
On July & August, there are at least 4 posts a week. ♡
Bonjour mes lovelies! Comment allez-vous? Il y a quelques mois, j'ai fais l'acquisition d'un nouveau highligter/illuminateur. Pour celles qui ne connaîtraient pas la marque Becca, c'est une marque américaine très prisée par les youtubeuses et blogueuses du monde entier. La teinte la plus célèbre est très certainement champaign pop. Cependant, je souhaitais quelque chose de discret qui allait tout de même donner un éclat à ma peau. Je ne souhaitais pas cet effet POP attaché à la teinte champaign pop. C'est pourquoi mon choix s'est porté sur le Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed dans la teinte Moonstone. Je l'ai acheté en ligne sur le site Cult Beauty. La livraison a été rapide et j'ai reçu l'objet dans une condition irréprochable. (pas une craquelure ou fissure dans la poudre!)
mon avis sur le produit :
Je le trouve très naturel. Il illumine le visage. Il est très facile à appliquer avec un pinceau éventail. Il ne fait pas ressortir les pores. C'est définitivement un coup de coeur!
est-ce que je le recommande ?
Étant une grande fan des enluminateurs, je ne peux que vous conseillez ce merveilleux enluminateur! Je la racheterais définitivement dès qu'il sera vide! Je ne m'en passe plus en tout cas... Dommage que son prix soit assez onéreux (£32.00) mais vous savez bien que je fais partie de ceux qui estiment qu'il est parfois nécessaire de dépenser de l'argent pour obtenir un résultat impeccable!
Avez-vous déjà essayé les produits Becca? Quel est votre highlighter préféré? Merci pour votre lecture et on se retrouve mercredi! ♥
My opinion :
I feel like it's a very natural highlighter in the sense that it doesn't look 'fake'. It could definitely be your natural glow but better. At least, that's how I see it. It's easy and quick to apply with a fan brush. It's my favourite highlighter at the moment...
Do I recommend this product ?
I don't see why I shouldn't recommend this product. It beautifully illuminates your face. Unfortunately, it's quite pricey (£32.00) but it's irrevocably worth the hype!
What's your favourite highlighter from Becca? Have you tried any of Becca's products? Thanks for reading and I will see you on Wednesday! ♥
Bonjour mes lovelies! Comment allez-vous? Il y a quelques mois, j'ai fais l'acquisition d'un nouveau highligter/illuminateur. Pour celles qui ne connaîtraient pas la marque Becca, c'est une marque américaine très prisée par les youtubeuses et blogueuses du monde entier. La teinte la plus célèbre est très certainement champaign pop. Cependant, je souhaitais quelque chose de discret qui allait tout de même donner un éclat à ma peau. Je ne souhaitais pas cet effet POP attaché à la teinte champaign pop. C'est pourquoi mon choix s'est porté sur le Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed dans la teinte Moonstone. Je l'ai acheté en ligne sur le site Cult Beauty. La livraison a été rapide et j'ai reçu l'objet dans une condition irréprochable. (pas une craquelure ou fissure dans la poudre!)
mon avis sur le produit :
Je le trouve très naturel. Il illumine le visage. Il est très facile à appliquer avec un pinceau éventail. Il ne fait pas ressortir les pores. C'est définitivement un coup de coeur!
est-ce que je le recommande ?
Étant une grande fan des enluminateurs, je ne peux que vous conseillez ce merveilleux enluminateur! Je la racheterais définitivement dès qu'il sera vide! Je ne m'en passe plus en tout cas... Dommage que son prix soit assez onéreux (£32.00) mais vous savez bien que je fais partie de ceux qui estiment qu'il est parfois nécessaire de dépenser de l'argent pour obtenir un résultat impeccable!
Avez-vous déjà essayé les produits Becca? Quel est votre highlighter préféré? Merci pour votre lecture et on se retrouve mercredi! ♥
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