Showing posts with label wonders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wonders. Show all posts
Hello, my beautiful birds! What have you been up to? It's been so long... Saying my absence was only due to lack of time would be lying. I've been struggling. Struggling with what to write and if I should keep writing on here. I feel like all of this is useless. However, I sort of miss having a place where I could just "speak my mind". I'm working on new contents and new directions for this blog. I would also like to change the design of serenbird but I can't find anything that would suit me... I'll keep you posted and thanks for reading ♥
Hello, my beautiful birds! Quoi de neuf? Cela fait bien trop longtemps. Ce serait mentir que de vous dire que mon absence est due exclusivement à un manque de temps. Je me questionne sur le fait de continuer ou non ce blog. J'ai du mal à trouver le temps d'écrire et l'envie d'écrire. J'ai l'impression que tout ceci est inutile. Cependant, écrire sur ce blog me manque. J'y ai trouvé "ma voix", un moyen d'exprimer ce qui me traverse l'esprit. Je réfléchis à des nouvelles idées d'articles et aux directions que je compte prendre. J'aimerais également changer de design mais je ne trouve rien qui me corresponde. Je vous remercie de continuer à me lire et je vous tiendrais au courant ♥

Hello my wonderful readers ♥♥ I'm here today for 2 reasons. First of all, it's time for my usual 'quote of the week'. I hope you enjoy this quote, as always it reflects my current mood or/and witty words that deserve to be shared with you. I'm currently moving out to a new city and a new flat. I'm bit stressed out. This whole thing is a bit scary. I didn't plan it to happen but well, here we are! So anyway, this is what you missed and why I have not being blogging a lot lately. Thanks again for caring and being so amazing ♥ You're great and one of a kind. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I love everyone of you. Take care and I'll see you soon x
PS: the picture is mine. It's my parents' little dog. He is an hyperactive and sensitive puppy! Isn't he cute?
“ Letting there be room for not knowing is the most important thing of all. When there's a big disappointment, we don't know if that's the end of the story. It may just be the beginning of a great adventure. Life is like that. We don't know anything. We call something bad; we call it good. But really we just don't know. ”
― Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times

― Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times

There are two types of waiting. There’s the the waiting you do for something you know is coming, sooner or later—like waiting for the 6:28 train, or the school bus, or a party where a certain handsome boy might be. And then there’s the waiting for something you don’t know is coming. You don’t even know what it is exactly, but you’re hoping for it. You’re imagining it and living your life for it. That’s the kind of waiting that makes a fist in your heart.
— Martine Murray, How To Make a Bird

I have decided to be a bit more optimistic. I had my hopes up and I let faillure bring me down. I am not a quitter or like they'd say on the tv show SCANDAL : ' ARE WE GLADITORS OR ARE WE BITCHES ? ' Well, I'm a gladiator. I don't give up easily. I needed to remind myself of it I guess. I am not doing very great in my university course at the moment but I am not giving up either. My intership in a primary school is almost over. It has been quite enlightening. Like probably almost everyone in their 20s I am struggling to find my path. Knowing what you want to do with the rest of your life is not an easy task. Anyway, I figured I would share with you what makes me happy on a daily basis. What make your life brighter?

Seeing people change is not what hurts ;
what hurts is remembering how they used to be.
what hurts is remembering how they used to be.
So yes, lately I've been fighting this huge feeling in my guts. Awful and sad feeling that I could not shut off. The one that kept warning me that things will never be the same. Everything is changing in my life right now. A lot is going on at the same time and it's hard for me to deal with it. I've so many things to deal with. I've been very focused and reflecting a lot on life and everyone that is in my life right now. I can't help but notice that a lot has changed. I've changed. They have changed. And somehow we are not the same and we've drifted away. I don't enjoy all the things I did. I've grown bitter lately. I know that I shouldn't. I'm lucky. Luckier than most people. I have a part-time job, my studies, a family and a home. I kind of lost my good spirit during this holiday season. The Christmas break is always a tough one for me. But I'm working on getting my spirit back. Getting everything back on track. So I'll see you soon, okay ? Don't give up on me just yet.
Change can be good they say. They also say that not everyone is meant to stay in your life. I guess they're right. It's just hard to accept. To let go is not as easy as it sounds. Especially when you've so many good memories with a person. I've learnt that good decisions are never the easiest. So no matter how much it hurts I will do what I have to do.
Change can be good they say. They also say that not everyone is meant to stay in your life. I guess they're right. It's just hard to accept. To let go is not as easy as it sounds. Especially when you've so many good memories with a person. I've learnt that good decisions are never the easiest. So no matter how much it hurts I will do what I have to do.

Do you ever just take a moment ? Don't you ever just want to press "pause" on things ? Take a second, a minute and just look around you.

Hello everyone! ♡
I hope you are still here. First, I'd like to apologize for my little break. I hope you've not lost hope about Serenbird. I really enjoy blogging and speaking my mind. I have been thinking a lot while I was gone. I'm not very sure I'll have time to blog a lot this year. I have a lot of things planned. Even if it's not very wise, I think I'm going to keep blogging - except it won't be as regular as it was this summer. I will try posting one or two blogs a week. I can't promise you anything but I'll do my best. I hope there are still people out there that will want to read and join me.
I hope you are still here. First, I'd like to apologize for my little break. I hope you've not lost hope about Serenbird. I really enjoy blogging and speaking my mind. I have been thinking a lot while I was gone. I'm not very sure I'll have time to blog a lot this year. I have a lot of things planned. Even if it's not very wise, I think I'm going to keep blogging - except it won't be as regular as it was this summer. I will try posting one or two blogs a week. I can't promise you anything but I'll do my best. I hope there are still people out there that will want to read and join me.

I'm about to do something drastic. Serenbird is going to know a short break. I need to take time to see if this is really working for me. I have a lot of things to do and think about. I'm not sure Serenbird is still one of them. I really love my blog and I enjoyed spending time building it and making it what it is today. I think that I just need to take a minute - a couple of days or weeks - and try to figure things out. I think I just need time. I hope you'll understand and accept my sincere appologies.
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