Showing posts with label haul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haul. Show all posts
Hello my birds,
It's been a long time since I changed my beauty routine. I'm the kind of girl who usually sticks with a routine. I used to be a huge Khiel's fan. I still use their face cream during the day but I felt like I needed to switch things up. I didn't want to go back to my usual safe bet either. I then decided to try only new things. On a sunny saturday morning I went to the closest Sephora. By the way, I need to do a room toor soon. I moved into a new city three months ago and my new flat is pretty cool. However, the decor is not finished yet. Anyway, I'm getting off topic here. As I was saying, I went for 3 new products and I will share my first impressions on all of them. I hope you will enjoy that :)
― By Terry, baume de rose, face cream.
First off, I loooove the smell of this By Terry Baume de Rose Face cream. The colour is a beautiful creamy dusty pink. It has a light and creamy formula. It doesn't feel greasy at all. You don't need to use a lot of product either. My skin appears brighter and hydrated.
― Origins, Out of trouble, face mask.
I am a big fan of Origins Charocal mask. The Out of Trouble face mask though doesn't make a huge difference to be honest. I've only used it once but I didn't notice anything significant. I will have to try it a few times before making a clear decision but so far I'm not impressed.
― Clinique, all about eyes rich, eye cream.
I've only tried Clinique's take the day off range on which I did a review back in June 2017. I didn't hate it so I thought why not try their skincare range as well. A friend of mine recommended me the eyes rich eye cream from Clinique. I will need 2 weeks to see if it actually works on me. I will keep you posted! Nonetheless, it doesn't hurt my sensitive eyes.
― Sephora, Promegranate eye masks.
I have tried a couple of those masks. I even did a review on this eye mask. You can find it here. I'm hoping it'll work better this time! Fingers crossed, my babes.
On overall, it's a pretty successful haul. I cannot wait to do a review on all of those new products I have incorporated in my 2019 skincare routine.
What is your current skincare routine?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Hello my sweet birds!
I hope all is well for you. For those who didn't get to go on holidays or catch a break, well done! You are some badass people. Good luck!
I was lucky enough to get a couple of days off from work and went on a small vacation to Milan. In case you missed it, you can find both articles: here & there. I chatted some more about my wee holidays & Milan's street arts.
I thought I'd do a little Beauty haul. In this collective haul is a bit of everything I have been lusting over the past few months.
― Kiehl's, creamy eye treatment
I've been meaning to try kiehl's for a while now. The price tag has been the reason I put it off for so long... It's fairly expensive. As I was on holiday, I ran out of my favourite eye cream. In Milan, there were a lot of shops selling Kiehl's. It didn't take long for me to make the final step... I've not tried it for long enough to be able to do a full review but it will certainly be coming your way very soon.
― Bath & Body works, Vanilla Buttercream hand nourishing hand cream
At first, I was going to purchase one of their hand sanitizers but a glance at their sales had me thinking otherwise. There were a lot of nice bargains. My favourite bodyshop hand cream was getting emptier and here there was one unknown and reduced to half price... Smelling like heaven on earth... I had no choice. You would have done the same thing, wouldn't you? However, the only thing I love is the smell. It's not nourishing enough for my dry hands...
― Wet'n'wild, megaliner liquid eyeliner
I have been after this eyeliner for quite some time now but this brand is impossible to find in France. Thanks to Italy, I was finally able to get my hands on it. I will do a review soon. I want to compare it to my current Zoeva eyeliner.
― Hourglass, ambient lighting palette
Okay, let's face it: I'm weak. In Milan, for the first time, I got to swatch the
― NYX lingerie, Exotic
This one I bought on a whimp. It was not like I needed more lipsticks, wasn't it? I wanted a change, something new. I hadn't tried much from Nyx and had heard a lot about it (#bloggersmademedoit) Soon after that, I learnt the most horrendous thing. Nyx's products contain ingredients which come from animals... What the fuck, NYX? It's 2017... Can't you leave animals alone?
― Too faced, better than sex mascara
This is an old time fav. I'm going back to basics this month. Why change a winning team?
― Garnier, micellar water
I was in need of a new makeup remover and I came across this one. I was intrigued. We both exchanged a deep look. I sized it down. Investigated. Observed. I was conquered. Let's see how I get along with my very first product from the Skinactive range.
Have you tried any of those products? What did you buy recently? Tell us in the comments.
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Good morning my lovebirds,
I don't know what has gotten into me this month - let's pretend it's a one time thing - I did a lot of shopping. One could say I have a - not so - serious affliction. I guess, there are worst things to be addicted to than online shopping... At least, this time around, I managed to only order two things.
My order came very quickly. I live in France and it only took 5 days for my parcel to be sent and received. Consider me impress!
― Rose Gold Marble Macbook Case
I was amazed by the finish and the quality of this product. It's very well made. It fits perfectly my macbook pro. I have never owned a macbook case that nice. The only downside I could think of is its weight. The high quality of the material makes it a little heavy. Nonetheless, it's soft, matte and sturdy. It is everything I could have dreamt of!
― Marble Blush Iphone Case
Back when my old computer was alive, I purchased a macbook skin case in that exact same shade. I was so crushed when my computer died and I had to give it up... Well, until I realized I could purchase the matching Iphone case. Although, it looks a bit different, I like it. It's whiter than my macbook skin but it looks cute as hell. Besides, it goes well with my rose gold Iphone!
Don't forget to use the discount code serenbird20 to get 20% off your next order. :)
What about you, is there anything you like? Let me know in the comments.
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Hello my lovebirds! I hope all is well on your end. I've been away for a while - dealing with something and then my computer just died on me... BUT I'M OFFICIALLY BACK TO BUSINESS!!!!!! YAAAYYYYYY! *confettis everywhere* Anyhow, I've something awesome to announce! I've teamed up with Coconut lane! I'm officially part of the Coconut queens. I'm soooo freaking honoured! I couldn't be more grateful! And that's not all, my lovebirds. Guess what? They're offering you a 20% off discount code! Simply add: serenbird20 when you're ordering on their beautiful website. To kick off this news, I placed a little order myself. I will let you see my order below.
Coucou mes amours, j'espère que tout va bien pour vous. Je me suis absentée un moment... Je devais faire face à quelque chose puis mon ordinateur a rendu l'âme... MAIS JE SUIS OFFICIELLEMENT DE RETOUR! YAAYYY *pluie de confettis sur vous tous* J'ai quelque chose de génial à vous annoncer! Je fais officiellement partie des Coconut queens. QUEL SUPER HONNEUR ! JE SUIS COMBLÉE! Et en plus, ce n'est pas tout... Les magiques demoiselles mi-licornes, mi-reines, vous offre un petit code promo. Rien que pour vous, mes petits lecteurs, -20% sur votre prochaine commande avec le code : serenbird20. Bien entendu, je n'ai moi-même pas su résister à une petite commande sur leur sassy site web. Je vous laisse la découvrir en image.
I cannot get enough of those two coasters! They are sooo me ahahah. I love how they fit right into my alley and right into my home decor. You can find them here and there.
I also bought this macbook skin. I'm waiting on some of their pillows to be back in stock and then I'm definitely placing a second order! Same goes for their lovely sweaters! Spoiler alert: a big haul is to be excepted!
Je n'arrive plus à me passer de ces deux dessous de verre! C'est tellement moi... En plus, ils vont terriblement bien avec la décoration de mon salon! Je ne pourrais pas être plus sous le charme... Vous pouvez les retrouver ici et là. J'ai également acheté une skin pour macbook que vous pouvez retrouver par là. Je dois avouer que dès que leurs coussins sont de retour en stock... Je me jetterais dessus... Pareillement pour leur sweatshirts... Ça sent le carnage tout ça!
I hope you enjoyed this little haul. Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin... You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
Good afternoon my lovebirds,
I hope you're all doing very well on this Sunday afternoon.
You might - or not - remember that I've wanted to try Kat Von D's products since I started my blog. - Oh boy, how long it's been! Thus, I have something exciting to announce... I FINALLY MANAGED TO GET MY HANDS ON SOME KAT VON D PRODUCTS! YAAAYYYYYYYYYY! I feel like this haul won't be the only Kat Von D haul...
The famous brand finally arrived in France. As soon as it was out in my local Sephora, I couldn't resist. I might have gone a bit crazy... - I mean, did I really need 3 new lipsticks? I almost picked up the concealer as well but I'm trying to finish the one I already own first. - I know, I was as surprised by myself as you're right now. So out of character...
I purchased three Everlasting liquid lipstick :
from left to right: exorcism - lolita - double dare.
My opinion : I'm a big fan of the formula. It doesn't dry too quickly. It's easy to apply. - And oh boy, I'm terrible at applying lipstick. The only thing I feel is a shame are the lack of colours of the whole everlasting liquid lipsticks range. In my point of view, there are a lot of shades that are similar to what I already own. There is only 3 shades of lipsticks that I liked. AND YES, I GOT ALL THREE! #noselfcontrol I've put all three lipsticks to the test. They last pretty well on my lips. I only have to reapply it after lunch and boy, I drink way too many teas before lunch... The darkest shade : Exorcism ended up being my favourite. Even if, Lolita comes pretty close. Double dare goes with almost every makeup I can wear. My lips aren't too dried out after wearing it for a whole day. However, those lipsticks aren't easy to remove... Nonetheless, it's nothing a good Lush lipscrub cannot fix!
Do I recommend this product ? 100% yes! If you fancy yourself a brand new liquid lipstick and fall in love with one of the Everlasting liquid shades, then GOOOO GIRL!
4.5 ✰
Have you tried any of Kat Von D's products ? Which one is your favourite? Do you like her lipsticks? Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
I hope you enjoyed this little haul. Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin... You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
I hope you're all doing very well on this Sunday afternoon.
You might - or not - remember that I've wanted to try Kat Von D's products since I started my blog. - Oh boy, how long it's been! Thus, I have something exciting to announce... I FINALLY MANAGED TO GET MY HANDS ON SOME KAT VON D PRODUCTS! YAAAYYYYYYYYYY! I feel like this haul won't be the only Kat Von D haul...
The famous brand finally arrived in France. As soon as it was out in my local Sephora, I couldn't resist. I might have gone a bit crazy... - I mean, did I really need 3 new lipsticks? I almost picked up the concealer as well but I'm trying to finish the one I already own first. - I know, I was as surprised by myself as you're right now. So out of character...
from left to right: exorcism - lolita - double dare.
My opinion : I'm a big fan of the formula. It doesn't dry too quickly. It's easy to apply. - And oh boy, I'm terrible at applying lipstick. The only thing I feel is a shame are the lack of colours of the whole everlasting liquid lipsticks range. In my point of view, there are a lot of shades that are similar to what I already own. There is only 3 shades of lipsticks that I liked. AND YES, I GOT ALL THREE! #noselfcontrol I've put all three lipsticks to the test. They last pretty well on my lips. I only have to reapply it after lunch and boy, I drink way too many teas before lunch... The darkest shade : Exorcism ended up being my favourite. Even if, Lolita comes pretty close. Double dare goes with almost every makeup I can wear. My lips aren't too dried out after wearing it for a whole day. However, those lipsticks aren't easy to remove... Nonetheless, it's nothing a good Lush lipscrub cannot fix!
Do I recommend this product ? 100% yes! If you fancy yourself a brand new liquid lipstick and fall in love with one of the Everlasting liquid shades, then GOOOO GIRL!
Have you tried any of Kat Von D's products ? Which one is your favourite? Do you like her lipsticks? Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Hi lovelies! Last Thursday, I turned 23. Some of you asked to see a birthday haul, so here are my wonderful gifts. I'm not going to lie, I was spoiled. I have amazing friends and family. I'm so blessed. I love gifts : receiving and giving gifts. I love picking gifts and buying things for people.
I didn't do anything special for my birthday as it was my first day in a new university. However, on Saturday, I went out for burgers and ice cream with my mom and on Sunday, I went to the restaurant - again, yep, I feel about 10 pounds heavier but food is life. I love food. - with one of my closest friend. On overall, it was a lovely way to start my 23rd year. By the way, dear 23rd year, you better be good.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling - for now. As, I said before, no desire to brag. I simply want to share with you what my golden people got me for my 23rd birthday!
When is your birthday? What was the best present you ever got? Let me - and my lovely readers - know in the comments below :) Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon ♥
I hope you enjoyed this haul. Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin... You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
Hey my lovebirds! Over the past few months, I've gone a bit makeup crazy. I've always been makeup enthusiastic but I've taken it to a whole new level. It's like I've been doing a lot of shopping therapy. I bought so many gems that I thought I should do a big haul for you! I hope you will enjoy this haul! Thanks for reading and I'll see you on Sunday. ♥
1. BECCA, Shimmering Skin Perfector (pressed), Moonstone.
I've been drooling over this product for sooo long! It was on my wishlist... I've been reaching for this hightlight quite often!
2. Benefit, Brow zings, light.
While I was in London, a lovely lady from the Benefit corner of John Lewis tried this on me and I instantly fell in love. I wasn't sure I would love it but it's actually sooo easy to use!
3. Too faced, Better than sex mascara.
This one is an all time favourite of mine. I've mentioned it before. In fact, for me, it's more of an essential (re)purchase...
4. Makeup forever, fake eyelashes.
I've been meaning to try fake lashes for a while now... These were on sales in Sephora so I thought, it was the time to do it... I should try them for the wedding I've on early July so I'll get back to you soon :)
5. Benefit, Gimme brow, 1.
This is also a repurchase. I've had this before. It's something I always purchase. I've been doing my brows with Gimme brow for years. They've changed the packaging and added more shades... So I don't how it'll go and if I will still like them!
6. Charlotte Tilbury, Light wonder foundation, 1 fair.
YEEEEEEES ! YEEEEEES! I FINALLY PUT MY HANDS ON THIS FOUNDATION. You might remember that I've wanted this foundation since my trip to Amsterdam. I tried to order it online but the shade 1 fair wasn't available anywhere. Luckily, Charlotte Tilbury's shop in Covent Garden had it! I can officially say that I've found a foundation that perfectly matches my skin. Yaaay, a victory for my part!
What about you? Did you buy any new beauty items? Let me know in the comments below :)
Coucou mes lovelies! Ces derniers mois, j'ai été prise d'une petite absence de bonne conscience. Je pense que ma conscience a pris des vacances. J'ai été atteinte de la fièvre acheteuse. J'ai acheté pas mal de nouveaux produits de maquillage. J'ai eu l'occasion de les tester et j'ai trouvé quelques petites merveilles. Vous trouverez donc dans cet article un big haul rien que pour vous :) J'espère qu'il vous plaira. Merci pour votre lecture et on se retrouve dimanche ♥
1. BECCA, Shimmering Skin Perfector (pressed), Moonstone.
J'ai bavé sur ce produit depuis un moment. Il n'a pas quitté mes wishlist pendant plusieurs mois... J'ai finalement cédé à la tentation et depuis je ne m'en passe plus...
2. Benefit, Brow zings, light.
Lorsque j'étais à Londres, une maquilleuse adorable de Benefit m'a fait essayé ce produit. Je le pensais plus adapté à un maquillage des sourcils très élaboré mais il peut être fait de façon très naturelle et rapide! Je suis fan :)
3. Too faced, Better than sex mascara.
Un grand classique pour moi. C'est pourquoi je l'ai racheté... une fois de plus.
4. Makeup forever, fake eyelashes.
Cela fait quelques mois que j'hésite à tester les faux cils. J'étais chez Sephora et ces faux cils étaient en soldes. J'ai donc décidé que c'était l'occasion de tester... Je devrais tenter de les mettre pour le mariage que j'ai en début juillet... Je vous dirais ce que cela a donné!
5. Benefit, Gimme brow, 1.
Ceci est plutôt un rachat. Ce Gimme Brow est présent dans ma trousse à maquillage depuis plusieurs années. Ils ont néanmoins sorti une nouvelle version qui comportent plusieurs teintes... J'ignore s'il est toujours aussi bien... Nous verrons! Le packaging est bien mignon en tout cas!
6. Charlotte Tilbury, Light wonder foundation, 1 fair.
YEEEEEEES ! YEEEEEES! J'ai enfin réussi à me procurer ce fond de teint... Vous vous souvenez sûrement que j'avais parlé de ma frustration suite à mon voyage à Amsterdam. Je n'avais pas réussi à acheter ce fond de teint. Ce dernier n'était même pas disponible sur internet dans la teinte que je souhaitais... Heureusement pour moi, le magasin Charlotte Tilbury de Covent Garden l'avait! Je peux enfin vous annoncez que j'ai parvenu à trouver la teinte de fond de teint qui correspond à ma couleur de peau. Yaaay, parlez d'une victoire!
Et vous alors, avez-vous fait de nouveaux achats beauté ? Dîtes moi tout dans les commentaires ci-dessous. :)

Hello, my beautiful birds! I went on a bit of a shopping spree for my birthday. I went a bit cray-cray at Lush and I bought everything I needed in the skincare dept. I also bought a new hair mask because the old one was empty. I wanted to try a new one (a quick review will be live in a few days!). I also got a little hair brush which I can always carry in my handbag and a toner from The bodyshop. Most of them are empty products I repurchased.
Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this haul and thanks for reading ♥
Hello, my beautiful birds! Pour mon anniversaire, j'ai fait du shopping. J'ai fais des folies chez Lush et j'ai renouvelé ma routine beauté. J'ai également acheté un nouveau masque pour les cheveux car je n'en avais plus. J'ai choisi d'en tester un nouveau. (un article à son sujet sera posté dans les jours à venir.) Je me suis laissée tenter par une petite brosse en bambou que je peux toujours laissé dans mon sac et toner de chez the bodyshop. La plupart de ces articles sont des produits que j'ai racheté. J'espère que vous apprécierez ce haul. Je vous remercie de continuer à me lire ♥

Hello, my beautiful birds! From my wishlist, I bought those three things. As I recently decided to not get a new foundation, I bought a second make up sponge to apply my mac foundation. Real Techniques make up sponge is quite good and very soft. It's a good dupe for the beauty blender. Besides it only costs 10€. The mascara is wonderful. It's natural but it does add a bit of lenght and volume to my lashes. (HOWEVER THE NAME IS AHAHHA). The concealer is quite good. I'm adjusting to its color. I took a shade slightly yellow that I usually do so... Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this mini haul and thanks for reading ♥
Products from this mini haul :
≈ Too faced, better than sex mascara.
≈ urban decay, naked skin concealer.
≈ real techniques makeup sponge.
≈ urban decay, naked skin concealer.
≈ real techniques makeup sponge.
Hello, my beautiful birds! J'ai acheté ces trois objets de ma wishlist. Comme j'ai décidé de ne plus acheter de fond de teint, j'ai choisi à la place d'acheter une éponge à maquillage pour appliquer mon fond de teint de chez mac. J'ai choisi celle de real techniques. Cette dernière est très bien et assez douce. C'est un bon dupe pour la beauty blender. En plus, elle ne coûte que 10€. Le mascara est génial. Il donne un effet très naturel tout en ajoutant de la longueur et du volume à mes cils. (son nom en revanche... ahaha) L'anticernes est plutôt bien. Je dois cependant m'habituer à sa couleur. J'ai choisi une teinte un peu plus beige que ce que je prend habituellement. J'espère que vous apprécierez ce mini-haul. Je vous remercie de continuer à me lire ♥

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