I hope you're having a lovely day. I can't believe the month of July is almost over. It went by sooo fast and yet so slow. It was a big month for me. The finish line. I feel so happy it's behind me now. I feel lighter. I have decided to take this time to reflect on this past few months. It's time to be grateful. In this world, we take too much for granted. Cleary, we've all become disposable. We are always rushing, wanting, consuming. We all tend to loose focus on what matters. If this year has taught me anything it's just that.
1. I'm finally going on holidays. It has been way too long. I'm so excited to discover Milan. By the way, if you have any tips or place to recommend, I would love it!
2. Friends definitely are the family we choose. I've finally accepted that in life, you loose people and that's okay. Some people are not meant to stay in your life. They are part of your past and that's for the best. Only the best sticks around.
3. This is the end of an era for me. I've given a year of my life to the company I work for. It's the end of a chapter and I can't wait to see what's next. The unknown is something exciting. It's full of opportunities.
4. I went a bit cray-cray and got a second hand designer bag. It's one of those designer bags I've been drooling over for years. Who said I was sane?
5. Time. Time does make everything better. Smoother. Easier.
Thank you for reading and I'll see you on Thursday ♥ x
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