Hello my lovely birds! I hope you're having a good week thus far. I spent Easter weekend in the cute city of Lille. I was lucky enough to spend my weekend with one of my bestfriends. She showed me around. We did a bit of strolling down the beautiful streets of Lille. We had a good catching up session. Oh boy, how much we had to catch up on! We ate a lot of good - not so healthy- food . We talked for hours, we laughed, walked around, ate a lot, went to cute coffee shops and did some shopping. The weather was great. It was absolutely lovely! I got to spend the weekend with one of my bestfriends and discover Lille. For what more can a girl ask for?
As for the city itself, I was so surprised. I didn't picture Lille to be this way at all. It's a mix between England & Netherlands. The people there are so friendly and polite. I could see myself living there. Maybe, if my life allows me I'll go back there for a week. I definitely want to see more of you, Lille! So until next time, Lille!
Let me know what you've been up to in the comments below! Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
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Hello lovebirds, It has been quite some time since I've purchased any makeup or even anything from Kiko. You & I both know this girl has expensive tastes. - Unfortunately. She loves pretty and expensive things. However, I'm never one against drugstore makeup. Some things I like to splurge on and some others things I prefer to save up on. Let's face it, I've tried so many makeup products now that I kinda know my shit. Basically, I know what to shop and where. I know what products I can purchase and not be disappointed.
This time, I picked up a few things. The brush cleanser is something I've always wanted to try. I want to compare it to the one from Sephora. The second item is Intensive Hand&Foot Scrub. I was seduced by the idea of a hand and feet scrub. I mean, who wouldn't ? It seems like such an awesome idea! The lipstick is a new edition of an old time favourite. It's Kiko's Unlimited Double Touch 122 lipstickin the shade : "burgundy". We all know this shade has my name written all over it... How was I supposed to resist? Last but not least, Coloured Balm 06 is a basic thing. The kind of things you lazily put on your lips on your way to work or in the bathroom of a small coffee shop. A splash of colour that hydrates your lips.
― Unlimited Double Touch 122.
I've now worn this lipstick for at least 4 times. I have found that this new formula is quite different from the old one. It's more liquid and less opaque. It doesn't dry as much as the old one. It lasts less. To be honest, I could wear the old version all day and not have to reapply it but this one I have to reapply if I drink too much teas. I definitely need a lipstick that don't vanish after a few drinks... If you have met any, please, send them my way...
― Brush Cleanser.
I was quite disappointed with this product. I don't feel like it works at all. At least, on the first try, it didn't clean my dirty brushes. They were only "wet". When swipped on a tissue, there are residue of makeup but that's all. It didn't really do the trick... It's a bit harsh as well. I wouldn't recommend this at all.
― Coloured Balm 06.
I don't have much to say on this product. It's a pretty basic thing. Nothing awesome to report. It doesn't add any colour to my lips. It's quite thick and sticky. It stays on my lips for quite some time. I'm not a big fan of that shinny/glossy/sticky effect but it feels like my lips are more nourished. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I didn't notice anything life changing. Nevertheless, it smells freaking amazing. It is sooo addictive!
― Intensive Hand&Foot Scrub.
I've tried this on my hands - Bare in mind that I've very dry hands. - and didn't have much hopes but still, I ended up being disappointed. I didn't notice much difference at first so I decided to keep using it. I'm thinking maybe it's more about how often you use it. Maybe if I use it often I will notice a difference?! I don't know... I will keep you updated. I guess, this review is TO BE CONTINUED!
Have you tried any of those products? Do you have any ideas on what I should try next?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
I hope you enjoyed this little mini haul & review.
Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin. You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
This time, I picked up a few things. The brush cleanser is something I've always wanted to try. I want to compare it to the one from Sephora. The second item is Intensive Hand&Foot Scrub. I was seduced by the idea of a hand and feet scrub. I mean, who wouldn't ? It seems like such an awesome idea! The lipstick is a new edition of an old time favourite. It's Kiko's Unlimited Double Touch 122 lipstickin the shade : "burgundy". We all know this shade has my name written all over it... How was I supposed to resist? Last but not least, Coloured Balm 06 is a basic thing. The kind of things you lazily put on your lips on your way to work or in the bathroom of a small coffee shop. A splash of colour that hydrates your lips.
― Unlimited Double Touch 122.
I've now worn this lipstick for at least 4 times. I have found that this new formula is quite different from the old one. It's more liquid and less opaque. It doesn't dry as much as the old one. It lasts less. To be honest, I could wear the old version all day and not have to reapply it but this one I have to reapply if I drink too much teas. I definitely need a lipstick that don't vanish after a few drinks... If you have met any, please, send them my way...
― Brush Cleanser.
I was quite disappointed with this product. I don't feel like it works at all. At least, on the first try, it didn't clean my dirty brushes. They were only "wet". When swipped on a tissue, there are residue of makeup but that's all. It didn't really do the trick... It's a bit harsh as well. I wouldn't recommend this at all.
― Coloured Balm 06.
I don't have much to say on this product. It's a pretty basic thing. Nothing awesome to report. It doesn't add any colour to my lips. It's quite thick and sticky. It stays on my lips for quite some time. I'm not a big fan of that shinny/glossy/sticky effect but it feels like my lips are more nourished. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I didn't notice anything life changing. Nevertheless, it smells freaking amazing. It is sooo addictive!
― Intensive Hand&Foot Scrub.
I've tried this on my hands - Bare in mind that I've very dry hands. - and didn't have much hopes but still, I ended up being disappointed. I didn't notice much difference at first so I decided to keep using it. I'm thinking maybe it's more about how often you use it. Maybe if I use it often I will notice a difference?! I don't know... I will keep you updated. I guess, this review is TO BE CONTINUED!
Have you tried any of those products? Do you have any ideas on what I should try next?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
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Hello my lovebirds,
I hope you're doing well. The last few weeks have been very hectic. I didn't get much sleep or time to myself but mostly, my biggest excuse for my lack of blogging is : the writer's block.
It seems like my mind has gone blank. I cannot figure out what I want to write about or what I want to do with this blog...
Did it ever happen to you? This feeling. Your mind is suddenly blank. It's like your brain is switched off. There is nothing. Nothing that can motivate you or nothing you could think of. It is all pointless. Why even bother?
I feel like I'm blogging poorly. My content isn't as good as I wanted it to be. I have lost my way.
I guess it has a lot to do with how I've been feeling lately but I'm not drowning yet. I refuse to sink. I'll not let life drag me down with her. I've gone too far. I've fought too hard to give up now. Blogging has always been my little escape.
So, I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up on you, my lovebirds.
I'll not surrender to the waves.
To cheer us up, here are 5 good things of these past few weeks :
1. I've reconnected with an old friend. I'm so so grateful for that. It's such a lovely feeling to reconnect with someone from your past.
2. I'm spending the weekend with one of my bestmates. She is my other half. We have not seen each other in years. I CANNOT WAIT!
3. After a week without hot water, I managed to take a bath. Everyone knows how much I love my baths. There is no trouble that cannot be cured by a hot bath. ♥
4. I've made new awesome friends and met interesting people along the way. It has reminded me of how much I want and need to travel again. I need to find my home, discover new countries, new people and new ways of life ♥
5. Thank you for all the sleepless nights, the laughs, the drinks, the bagels, the dancing and the friendships.
What are your 5 good things? Do not hesitate to share it with us in the comments.
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin. You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
Good morning, my loves!
I hope you're having a lovely week. You know my love for lipsticks. I mean, it's no surprise now. I don't think I ever leave my house without wearing lipstick. Whenever I'm not wearing lipstick anyone can tell something is terribly wrong with me ahahahahah. To this point, I don't think anyone could recognize me if I'm not wearing lipstick. Lately, I've been loving me some nudes. It's always about the nude, isn't it? I swear, I need to remember to be a little classy. I make too many puns. Anyway, I wanted to share with you my favourite nude lipsticks but most importantly I want to hear what are YOUR favourite nudes lips. So please let me know in the comments below what are your favourite lipsticks.
― Meet Matt(e) Hughes, The Balm: trustworthy & Daring.
I love the colours of those lipsticks. It suits me so fucking well. It's like my face is more luminous when I'm wearing it. Weirdest thing! The only thing is it's messy. So fucking messy. Whenever I apply it, it slips on my face, make its way onto my teeths... It has a life of its own... It's cray-cray. It's contagious. It leaves me with very dry lips. It needs to be reapplied quite frequently. You need to watch what you eat. I guess, it's just like any other liquid lipstick...
― Everlasting lipstick, Kat Von D: Lolita.
I don't know what it is about this colour but damn, girl. It always looks different when I do 'the paper tissue thing'. It's lovely. It lasts quite well on the lips. It doesn't look patchy after a few hours. It doesn't dry out my lips. For a liquid lipstick, it's pretty good.
― Soft matte lipcream, NYX: Rome.
The perfect ally to the 'no makeup makeup look' is none other than this NYX lipstick. It's the kind of lipstick you can put on under 1 minute and it'll still look good. It's your lips but better. The only downside is that it will vanish quicker than a chocolate tablet.
― clear message, Zoeva: .
This lipstick isn't my usual kind of lipsticks. By that I mean that it's out of my comfort zone. It's a pale colour. It's nude and pale. I'm more into dark lips. I can rock a dark purple any day but pale lips are another story... However, with a smokey eye, it looks wonderful. You cannot have dark lips paired with smokey eyes so you have to find an alternative, can't you? This lipstick is my alternative to bold lips. The light colour only works this way since my skin is quite pale.
As you can see, I'm all about the matte. I guess, I'm just that kind of girl.
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
♡ the balm - Kat von D - NYX - zoeva.
Good morning, my pretty birds! I've not done a wishlist in sooooo long. It's long overdue. As you might remember, Coconut lane is offering 20% off every order when you use my discount code : serenbird20. I've been lurking around their new items and new website... I'm still waiting on some items to go back in stock but here are my picks :

What's on your wishlist? Do not hesitate to share it with us in the comments.
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
I hope you enjoyed this little wishlist.
Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin. You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
Hello lovebirds. I hope all is well. I'm doing a mini review/first impressions today. My big sister (Magda ♥) lend me some of her NYX makeup so I could do a review for you. Do you remember that article I wrote about the brands I wanted to try ? I'm glad to report that I managed to try most of these brands.
I still have mixed feeling when it comes to NYX. This time I found three products that I thought would be worth mentioning. I want your takes on everything. NYX products seem to be a bit of a hit and miss.
I really love this product. I think I might purchase it the next time I'm near a NYX shop. It looks pigmented and not some kind of disco ball highlighter. I was very surprised. I'm all in for this golden sheer! I would totally recommend having a look into those highlighter!
― NYX, HS42 Strike a pose.
This was a disappointment. I love the color but it's not pigmented enough for me. I feel like the color and the formula aren't what I look for in an eyshadow. The color is simply not as bright as I would have thought it to be but the packaging is hella cute. However, if you're on the market for a light brown, natural looking eyeshadow, give it a go! For the price tag, it's pretty good...
― NYX, HD studio photogenic.
The formula isn't too watery or too creamy. However, my dry under-eyes were not very keen of this product. Nonetheless, the coverage is fairly good. It would probably work very well on anyone who doesn't have a dry skin.
Do you have any NYX products to recommend? Do not hesitate to share it with us in the comments. Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
♡ Illuminator IBB04 RITUALISTIC - HD studio photogenic - HS 42 strike a pose, hot singles eyeshadow.
Hello my loves. I hope you're doing well. I'm back with a little review. My dear friend NADIA was kind enough to give me the opportunity to try one of her products.
This product belongs to the haircare category. What it is meant to do is to strengthen and stimulate your hair. Your hair appears shinnier and healthier with this product composed of 5 oils.
What I noticed is that it feels kind of warms when I let it on my hair. It's like you can feel the product working his magic ahahahahah. I looooove it! Joke aside, it does feel like my hair is shinnier and stronger after using it. I need to use it more in my daily routine but to be honest I've been a bit lazy lately. I lack of time and honestly I cannot be bother to spend too much time on my hair. - WHO IS WITH ME, GIRLS?
However, I try to use this every sunday. I leave it on the afternoon and then wash my hair in the evening.
I would totally recommend this product. It's quite nice and every component of this product are vegan and natural-ish. What more can a girl ask for?
Thank you for reading my lovebirds and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Bonjour mes amours, j'espère que vous allez bien. Je suis de retour avec une petite revue. Mon amie Nadia que vous pouvez retrouver ici et là, a eut la gentillesse de me laisser tester un de ses produits.
Ce produit est un soin pour les cheveux de la marque FormVital. Il s'agit du Karavital bio qui est un soin dynamisant pour cheveux secs ou abîmés. Ce soin est à appliquer de la façon suivante : " appliquez sur cheveux secs deux fois par semaine, massez le cuir chevelu et peignez de la racine aux pointes. Entourez la tête d'une serviette pendant une heure. Rincez et lavez avec un shampoing. " Ce produit est composé de 5 huiles et promet de stimuler, fortifier et faire briller vos cheveux.
J'ai testé ce produit selon les recommandations de Nadia. Je l'utilise aussi souvent que possible... C'est à dire dès que j'ai une petite minute à moi. Dès qu'il est appliqué sur mes cheveux, il donne une sensation étrange... de chaleur... C'est un peu comme ci mes racines chauffaient. SURCHAUFFE NON LIÉE A MON MANQUE DE CERVEAU, PROMIS. C'est un peu comme si je ressentais la magie du produit faire effet... Et vous savez quoi? J'adore ça!
Après l'avoir utilisé, j'ai l'impression que mes cheveux sont plus brillant et un peu plus doux. Je pense qu'il me reste encore à utiliser le produit pendant quelques fois supplémentaires pour tester ses effets sur le long terme. Un jour peut-être que je serais moins flemmarde. Qui sait. Il faut bien rêver un petit peu.
Le grand plus de ce produit à mes yeux reste sa composition. Il est globalement composé d'ingrédients naturels. Si c'est pas top, ça?
Je recommande donc ce produit à tous les lovebirds qui ont envie de changer un peu leur routine capillaire.
Merci pour votre lecture et à très vite ♥ Plein de bisous.
Hey lovebirds! It's no surprises that I'm a bit of a mac lover. I've done so many reviews and hauls of their products. I decided to open my new series : shopping guide with this peculiar iconic brand.
Whenever I go into mac's website
FOUNDATIONS | I looove mac's foundations because I know there is a shade that is THE perfect match to my skintone. I know the finish will be flawless. I know, it will last very well - even after 10 exhausting hours. However, I no longer use high coverage foundations and I find Mac Cosmetics' foundations to be high coverage.
~ My fav. foundation & powder: Mineralize SPF 15 Moisture foundation & Mineralize Sklinfinish powder.
CONCEALERS | I like their concealers but none of them work well for me - except for the Conceal and Correct Palette for which I have an undying love. All of their liquid concealers dry my under eye area like nobody's business. So I have mixed feeling.
BLUSH | I love their blush. It's highly pigmented and gives a natural glow. My all time favourite is the Peaches which is my everyday blush in Spring.
~ Blush I recommend: Peaches & Peachykeen.
LIPSTICKS | The reputation of those lipsticks preceeds them. Are they really that great? It's not too expensive compared to other lipsticks. It's quite long lasting. I love the formulas of the matte and amplified creme. I wouldn't recommend lustre or cremesheen lipsticks' range. It's simply not my cup of tea. However, my mac lipsticks are my go to when I want something quick and easy. I know I can apply those lipsticks under a minute and it'll look flawless for hours.
~ Lipsticks I can recommend: Brave (♥), Amorous & Fast play.
I have yet to try their highlighters. I like their skincare range. I feel like every products can give a glowy look. I feel like Mac Cosmetics is one those brands that feels professional and yet easy to access...
Have you tried any of Mac Cosmetics products? What products do you love or hate? Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
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