ombré hair I ♡

19 February 2014

I don’t know about you but my hair is my everlasting problem. I don’t know why but I am never satisfied for long. I went slightly blonder a couple years ago but then decided it was not blond enough. It turned into a huge nightmare. Since then, I have tried multiple things. Last October I did an ombre hair… I have always dreamt of having one! I loved it at first and afterward, my blond hair started to show up again. Now, honestly it doesn’t look like anything. I have recently decided to book an appointment with my hairdresser. So only two weeks from now, I should be relieved… At least for a bit ahah

So I decided to show you, what ombre hairstyle I fancy.

Which one is your favourite ? Did you ever experienced with your hair ?
See you soon, lovelies !

1 comment

  1. I love these ombre hairstyles! I hope you will find a hairstyle that you will like for longer time. : )

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