Hello there lovebirds ♥ Once again I'm here to introduce a new etsy shop : NEED THE CASE. This shop opened on Dec 16, 2013. Her owner is Nastya Li. She is absolutely adorable. We talked a lot on etsy. The whole team is very professional, thoughtful and talented. Their unique Iphone cases are of great quality and I love all her designs. They are so gorgeous. I had a hard time finding just one case. The delivery took a bit of time on my first order but it was very quick the second time around. I'm very pleased with my order. I thought you might be interested in finding a good etsy shop where you could buy a new case for your phone. If you're anything like me, you'll fall in love with her shop!
I'm happy to share with you this etsy shop I discovered a couple months ago. I hope you'll enjoy this post. Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you soon ♥

" About three years ago, I was trying to find the phone case for my mother`s birthday. I knew what she wanted, but could not found it anywhere. It was even hard to imagine how upset I was. Finally, I found the present in some shop in US, but it was too late to order. So, I decided to do it by myself. I found the small shop in Kyiv – they promised me to do the case I wanted. But when i receive it, the case was SO awful. All in all, I tried to produce the case in three local shops, but the results were deplorable.
My mother`s birthday passed, but my crazy idea was still living. I read a lot, visited the print centers, and finally decided to try. That time I worked as a graphic designer, and draw a lot. I presented the first cases with my drawings to my friends, and they liked them. It inspired me to do more.
Now, we are the team of three. And I adore my job. I really have an obsession with patterns and try to find them everywhere – at home, at work, during my trips,etc.
WE really want to thank you for choosing us. WE appreciate every our customer and their choice to order our case. Hope you will enjoy our cases! "
You can find her shop here.
If you use the code BGCSTMR at checkout, you will get 15% off your order! :)
* This post was not sponsored. It's my genuine and very own opinion. I really loved her Iphone cases and think her shop was worth mentioning.
– MURAL VINTAGE CASE, iPhone case.

– GZHEL BLUE CASE, iPhone case. (*)
} Hello, my beautiful birds! J'ai récemment changé de téléphone. De ce fait, il me fallait des nouvelles coques. Mon choix s'est porté sur cette boutique etsy. L'équipe de Nastya a réalisé ces deux coques. Ce sont deux coques que je trouve très originales et de bonne qualité. La livraison de ma première commande a été assez longue et la seconde bien plus rapide. Je suis très satisfaite de mes achats. Un peu trop puisque j'ai choisi de partager avec vous ma dernière découverte sur Etsy. Si vous cherchez une coque originale, n'hésitez pas à commander auprès de cette boutique. Ils sont fiables et ont des designs vraiment très sympathiques. En plus, sa propriétaire Nastya Li est très professionnelle et attentionnée.
J'espère que vous apprécierez ce petit article. Je vous remercie pour votre lecture et on se retrouve bientôt. ♥
Vous pouvez trouver sa boutique ici.
Si vous utilisez le code BGCSTMR lors du paiement, vous obtiendrez une réduction de 15% sur votre commande :)
* Cet article n'est pas sponsorisé. Il contient mon honnête et personnel avis. J'ai apprécié ses coques d'Iphone. C'est donc pour cela que j'ai choisi de vous en parler.

I'm happy to share with you this etsy shop I discovered a couple months ago. I hope you'll enjoy this post. Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you soon ♥

Her Etsy shop :
≈ Need the Case

" About three years ago, I was trying to find the phone case for my mother`s birthday. I knew what she wanted, but could not found it anywhere. It was even hard to imagine how upset I was. Finally, I found the present in some shop in US, but it was too late to order. So, I decided to do it by myself. I found the small shop in Kyiv – they promised me to do the case I wanted. But when i receive it, the case was SO awful. All in all, I tried to produce the case in three local shops, but the results were deplorable.
My mother`s birthday passed, but my crazy idea was still living. I read a lot, visited the print centers, and finally decided to try. That time I worked as a graphic designer, and draw a lot. I presented the first cases with my drawings to my friends, and they liked them. It inspired me to do more.
Now, we are the team of three. And I adore my job. I really have an obsession with patterns and try to find them everywhere – at home, at work, during my trips,etc.
WE really want to thank you for choosing us. WE appreciate every our customer and their choice to order our case. Hope you will enjoy our cases! "
If you use the code BGCSTMR at checkout, you will get 15% off your order! :)
* This post was not sponsored. It's my genuine and very own opinion. I really loved her Iphone cases and think her shop was worth mentioning.

– MURAL VINTAGE CASE, iPhone case.

– GZHEL BLUE CASE, iPhone case. (*)

J'espère que vous apprécierez ce petit article. Je vous remercie pour votre lecture et on se retrouve bientôt. ♥
Si vous utilisez le code BGCSTMR lors du paiement, vous obtiendrez une réduction de 15% sur votre commande :)
* Cet article n'est pas sponsorisé. Il contient mon honnête et personnel avis. J'ai apprécié ses coques d'Iphone. C'est donc pour cela que j'ai choisi de vous en parler.

I still think New Year resolutions are BS. However, if you disagree, I hope your plan will materialize.
I wish all of you the best for 2016. May this year be brighter than the last. I hope you'll get everything you deserve (good and bad, depending on what you did and who you are haha. We all know Karma is a b**** ;))
New year, new leaf? Well, if you decide so... Only time will tell! Anyhow, Serenbird got a new design (at last) and that is absolutely wonderful ♥♥
} Bonne année les petits loups! Ce n'est pas parce que je ne crois toujours pas aux résolutions de début d'année que vous ne pouvez pas réaliser les vôtres.Bonne chance pour tout ça et je vous souhaite d'obtenir tout ce que vous méritez. (bon comme mauvais, nous savons tous que le karma est une b***. )
Nouvelle année, nouvelle page. Nous verrons bien... En tout cas, Serenbird a changé de tête et ça c'est top ♥

I wish all of you the best for 2016. May this year be brighter than the last. I hope you'll get everything you deserve (good and bad, depending on what you did and who you are haha. We all know Karma is a b**** ;))
New year, new leaf? Well, if you decide so... Only time will tell! Anyhow, Serenbird got a new design (at last) and that is absolutely wonderful ♥♥

Nouvelle année, nouvelle page. Nous verrons bien... En tout cas, Serenbird a changé de tête et ça c'est top ♥

Feliz Navidad !
BING CROSBY "White Christmas" 1942 par Ultra_White_Forever
![]() | this is the Christmas tree of my dear friend Clara ahah ♥ It looks too lovely not to be shared with you! Happy holidays x |
“ The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. ”
― Helen Keller
Hello, my beautiful birds! I guess this post is a little tribute to everyone and everything around me at this exact moment. Like any of us here, life gets the best of me at times. In the end, those are not the moments that count. We can choose to stay in the past or to live in the present. A long time ago, I chose to live in the now. And everyday I'm amazed. There isn't a day that goes by when life or people don't surprise me. Life and people are fiercely surprising and unpredictable. You can't control everything. You can never know for sure what will happen today or tomorrow. There is always a silver lining. No matter how often or how bad the universe kicks you, always get back up on your feet. You can do anything. You're always stronger than you think. I'm tired of people bringing each other down. Seriously, why do they feel the need to be such assholes all the time ? Don't be a prick. It's as simple as that. Life isn't about who is better than the rest. It's about being yourself and living your life the way you entend to live it. I choose to share with you today, the reasons why I still believe that even after what happens everyday in this stupid world, life is still a shade of grey. I refuse to lose faith in humanity. We can still make tomorrow a better day and a better world. Thanks for reading ♥
1. my family & my cat who thinks he is a dog ; my old friend who is my family (♥) ; my friends, those who make me laugh and always brighten up my world by their presence (some of you should recognize themselves here, right?) & those stupid kids I love.
2. books, tea, Arts, fashion and tv shows which make life so much easier.
3. being able to have a nice flat and food on my table every day. Not everyone has that chance. Remember how lucky you are. Keep your feet on the ground, kiddo.
4. To everyone who gave me chance - or not - and led me to where I'm right now : thank you so much. I wouldn't be the person I'm today without any of those people.
5. To everyone who ever believed in me : thanks a milion. Yes I'm thinking of a special teacher. I'll never forget any of the words he said to me. Words are powerful. More than one could ever think. Bad or good they never leave your mind.

Hello, my beautiful birds! What have you been up to? It's been so long... Saying my absence was only due to lack of time would be lying. I've been struggling. Struggling with what to write and if I should keep writing on here. I feel like all of this is useless. However, I sort of miss having a place where I could just "speak my mind". I'm working on new contents and new directions for this blog. I would also like to change the design of serenbird but I can't find anything that would suit me... I'll keep you posted and thanks for reading ♥
Hello, my beautiful birds! Quoi de neuf? Cela fait bien trop longtemps. Ce serait mentir que de vous dire que mon absence est due exclusivement à un manque de temps. Je me questionne sur le fait de continuer ou non ce blog. J'ai du mal à trouver le temps d'écrire et l'envie d'écrire. J'ai l'impression que tout ceci est inutile. Cependant, écrire sur ce blog me manque. J'y ai trouvé "ma voix", un moyen d'exprimer ce qui me traverse l'esprit. Je réfléchis à des nouvelles idées d'articles et aux directions que je compte prendre. J'aimerais également changer de design mais je ne trouve rien qui me corresponde. Je vous remercie de continuer à me lire et je vous tiendrais au courant ♥

“ She was too quiet, or she was too loud. She took things too seriously, or not seriously at all. She was too sensitive, or too cold-hearted. She hated with every fiber of her being, or loved with all her heart. There was no in-between for her. It was either all or nothing. She wanted everything, but in the end, she settled for nothing. ”
― Stacey T. Hunt, Game of Nightmares
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