Showing posts with label talking about life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label talking about life. Show all posts
Hello my birds,
I'm currently sitting at my desk. I'm wondering if I should go back to blogging.
2022 has not been my year. About 5 months ago, I was dumped by my 4 years boyfriend/fiancé.
My mom recently passed away after fighting Cancer for a year and a half. She died just a few hours before my 29th birthday.
I was lucky to have one of the best birthday ever thanks to my friends.
Everybody is telling me I'm so strong but the truth is I don't feel strong.`
I was raised by strong, independant, italian womens. Unfortunately, they both died from Cancer.
Like with pretty much everybody I love, Cancer won. This is definitely one of the worst disease.
I'm going to try and go back to blogging.
I'm not sure if anyone is still there but hey i'm back!
I'm currently sitting at my desk. I'm wondering if I should go back to blogging.
2022 has not been my year. About 5 months ago, I was dumped by my 4 years boyfriend/fiancé.
My mom recently passed away after fighting Cancer for a year and a half. She died just a few hours before my 29th birthday.
I was lucky to have one of the best birthday ever thanks to my friends.
Everybody is telling me I'm so strong but the truth is I don't feel strong.`
I was raised by strong, independant, italian womens. Unfortunately, they both died from Cancer.
Like with pretty much everybody I love, Cancer won. This is definitely one of the worst disease.
I'm going to try and go back to blogging.
I'm not sure if anyone is still there but hey i'm back!
The truth is I'm at a loss for words. I find it hard to blog about make up and lifestyle when everything around us is crashing down. I love blogging. I love make up and lifestyle. I shouldn't probably let the bad things win. It's letting them win to give up, isn't it? But how can I keep going ? How can I pretend that nothing changed ? How can I pretend that this world is not a gigantic mess ?
I'm not afraid. I'm... Overwhelmed. This world has become so sad and so scary. It keeps on bringing hate and despair.
Where do we stand? Can't we press pause for just one second, love?
Life goes on. Life doesn't go well these days. It's chaos. It's tears and unity. I'm loosing hope in humanity and mankind. We have been fighting for years. We have been killing each other for years. When will it be enough?
Let's decide it's enough. Focus on the good. Focus on how united we need to be. We can be one. One big united world. We are not so different these days. We are all afraid and lonely. This is a scary and sad time to be.
There is nothing we can do. Pray and love without you.
My heart is broken. Broken to see how little humanity is left in us all. Please do not let fear dictate your actions.
This is not the end. Things will get better.
I don't really know what this was about. I guess it's only my address to the world. If there is anything you would like to add, please be free to do so. After all, Serenbird will always be a safe place - no matter what.
I'm lucky enough to have 500 amazing human beings following me and I wanted to let them know that they are not alone. I stand with you. Always and forever.
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
I've been pondering whether I should post this blog or not. To be honest, I've been lost in my mind. It's pretty full. Full of shit. I figured that this post could be a good thing. Cathartic in a way. I also thought it might somehow help someone. Help someone who could be thinking and feeling the same things as me. Sadly, most of us have gone through life. Life has ups and downs. Sometimes, life gives you lemons. And this time, it left a bitter taste.
I'm a big lover of life. I always do my best to appreciate how lucky I am. I'm pretty darn lucky. I have a home, a devilish cat, a job I love and people who care about me. I don't think it gets better than that, does it?
However, I have grown mad at life. Don't get me wrong, I still get amazed by all the little things life brings but there is something about that rotten lemon, I cannot move past. I cannot process and adjust. I cannot wrap my mind around this rotten thing.
I guess this is the moment to stop eluding the subject. God knows, I'm direct. Sometimes, too blunt. On the other hand, this time, it's not easy. I really want to let people know they are not alone in this. I want to know that I'm not alone. Oh boy, how this hurts. It comes in waves and never stops.
Why? One may ask. I will let you on a little secret, my lovebirds...
I have lost my moon. I have lost my strength. I have lost a part of my life. A part of me died with her. I love her to the moon and miss her beyond the stars. She has made me a better person. She raised me. She made me who I'm and I will never be as good as she was. She was the kindest, smartest and most big-hearted person I will ever know.
With her by my side, I would never feel alone. She would always be there to catch me. She always had my back. She was more than a grandmother, she was my mother. She was my role model. She has helpt so many souls. I could not be more grateful. Grateful to have known and loved her. My life would have not been the same without her.
I'm not sure if anyone can understand. If you do, you probably felt the same way. That little crack inside. You have to hold your breath for a second. You want to press pause. You want to stop for a while. You cannot think of a world without her - or him.
And yet, you have to. This is only part of life. Life ends sometimes. There is nothing we can do.
As she would say : LA VITA VA AVANTI.
So this blog is an homage to my Italian blood but also to anyone who might be heart-broken too. Life sometimes gives you some very bitter lemons.
We have all lost something dear to our hearts. We have all been there... So when you're about to break, just know, that I'm here and I understand.
Life is simply like that. Things slip away and nothing lasts. So we might as well enjoy it while we still can.
Why are you still single? Is something wrong with you ? Do you chase them away? Those are the kind of questions you're getting used to if you're single like me. Until they eventually stop and become used to the fact that you're still single. Then it becomes something like : you're going to stay single forever. you clearly are never getting married. For the record, I'm only 22 years-old. I clearly didn't realize that my clock was already ticking... Sorry about that, folks!
I recently saw the movie : how to be single. If you have not seen it yet, you definitely should! It's very funny but not that realistical about my single life. I might be doing it all wrong... Who knows... I lost my leaflet on life years ago...
I know, a lot of bloggers are actually not single. We've all seen their handsome boyfriends. Well, I'm not one of them. My last romantical relationship was in high school. It ended about a year after I graduated high school. Since then, I've been single. Unfortunately - or not - my life is nothing like in the movie how to be single.
I'm not the kind of girls who gets noticed by guys. I don't get picked or even chased after. Guys don't flirt with me. I'm your average petite brunette with a big personality. I'm blunt, friendly and clumsy. I get bored too easily. People both annoy me and amaze me. I hate judgmental pricks and injustice. I'm probably boring as well. I like being on my own. I love my freedom.
To be honest, I've only been in love once. I'm not even sure he felt the same way. I will give you more details...
Once upon a time, I fell in love with a guy that lived in a far away land and then it was over before it even began because life isn't a love story. It's simply life and people are deceitful.
And after that, there is simply nothing. I haven't had time. I've been focused on other things. I've been working and studying. I've been trying to built a life for myself. I've been trying to have a future. Maybe, they are right and maybe it's too late now.
After all, having a boyfriend by my side might not be something written in my stars. Well, perhaps, someday if I'm lucky enough. I guess, if you're an handsome and nice guy who likes me, here is your chance. If you don't hurry, dear future boyfriend, you might miss out on your decade of missed opportunities...
However, if you're in a couple, stop talking about your special someone and try to remember that other people still matter when you're not single. We get it, okay? Message received. You're not single like us. Get over yourself! It doesn't make you any better than us, the single folks! Anyway, I hope you're all having a good week even if you're not single.
What about you, what are you thoughts on love and relationships? Do you have a special someone in your life?
Thanks for reading and I'll see you on Friday ♥
Heey my lovelies! I think it's about time we catch up. Here’s what’s new with me lately…
1. On the first weekend of July, I went to a lovely wedding. ♡
2. I went back to my parents' house and it went better than expected.
3. I worked with a lot of lovely people to bring you more content on Serenbird this month! It was such a good experience. I was so happy to work on my blog and meet amazing people! ♡
4. I finally feel like I'm taking back my life. I've had a pretty busy and amazing month. I've been loving the end of June. It was tough, I won't lie. I went through some things but in the end, those 2 months were the best I've had this year!
5. I'm so thankful for this. My blog has become a huge part of me. I want to thank everyone who believed in me and was there with me every step of the way. I want to thank everyone who took a chance on me! A special thanks to my BFF Clara for her help, Lola for her patience and kindness, Louise for believing in me and telling me I'm a pro (sweet lies ahah), Valéry (I don't even know if you read my blog but well...) for reminding me why I began blogging in the first place but also to every brand who worked with me! You are absolute golden. I love all of you so much! I feel so incredibly lucky! To be honest, I still can't wrap my head around the idea that someone could be interested in what I've to say... Thank you for reading me and following me on this wonderful journey ♡
What has everyone been up to ? Thanks for reading ♥
Coucou les lovelies! Je pense qu'il est temps de faire une petite mise au point. Voilà sans plus attendre des nouvelles de ma part ou plus précisément cinq choses positives.
1. Le premier weekend de juin j'étais invité au mariage de mon cousin. C'était chouette ♡
2. Je suis retournée chez mes parents et cela se passe mieux que je pensais...
3. J'ai beaucoup travaillé sur le contenu de Serenbird en juillet. J'ai eu la chance de travailler avec des gens géniaux. Grâce à eux, j'ai pu vous apporter des posts variés et intéressants. Je suis tellement contente d'avoir vécu cette expérience ♡
4. J'ai enfin l'impression de vivre. J'ai eu un mois assez chargé mais tellement génial. J'ai apprécié particulièrement la fin du mois de juin. Ce mois-là a été difficile, je ne vais pas vous mentir. J'ai du faire face à beaucoup de choses mais au final, les mois de juillet et juin sont les meilleurs mois que j'ai vécu cette année...
5. Je suis terriblement reconnaissante pour mon blog. Mon blog a pris une grosse place dans ma vie depuis quelques mois. Je profite de ce moment pour remercier tout ceux qui m'ont soutenu et qui ont cru en mois. Certains depuis le début, d'autres tout récemment. Merci à ma meilleure amie Clara pour son aide, Lola pour sa patience et sa gentillesse, Louise pour croire en moi et me dire que je suis une pro (ce doux mensonge), Valéry (si jamais tu passes par là...) qui m'a rappelé pourquoi j'avais commencé ce blog ainsi qu'à toutes les professionnels avec lesquels j'ai eu la chance de travailler... Je tiens à remercier ceux qui ont bien voulu croire en moi. Vous êtes les meilleurs. Je vous aime fort! Je me sens tellement chanceuse grâce à vous! Je n'arrive toujours pas à croire que quelqu'un puisse lire ce blog... Merci à tous pour votre lecture et votre soutien. Merci d'avoir choisi de me suivre dans cette aventure ♡
Merci pour votre lecture, mes amours. Et vous, quoi de neuf? ♥
When life gives you shit, shit on life.
I think you get my point here. We've all had those days where everything goes wrong - and everything turns to shit. *inserts poop emoji here* Life can't always be good. Trust me, I know. I've been having a couple of shitty months. The kind of months were everything isn't going the way you want it to go. You've planned everything in a certain way and nothing is happening according to plan. I guess I shouldn't be planning so much. To be honest, I can't help it. I'm a bit of a control freak. I like to be in control and organize everything. I'm never bored. I always have a lot of things to do. This month has been pretty hectic. Not everything was good but it wasn't all bad either. My future has never been so uncertain. I don't even have a flat to live in... Something went wrong with my new flat. After all, I won't be moving into a new flat but I still have to move out of my current flat. So it has been quite tricky... To be honest, things are quite messy. Actually, as you're reading this, I should be done with all that jazz. Who know where I'll be. Life has been quite unpredictable... To say the least. And, my control freak brain is freaking out.
One thing, I've learnt so far is that when things get tough, you're left on your own. In the end, you only have yourself. Yourself to blame and yourself to move on. But I'll get back to that part, in few days.
I'm only human. You're only humans. We are only humans. Summer is here. Things are changing. The sales are on and I don't even feel like shopping. Can you believe it? I simply feel sad. It's not the kind of sadness that can be cured by shopping therapy. The only thing that can fix this is good news. Maybe, the rainbow is just around the corner. Maybe, it's all I need. A little ray of sunshine. I hope you're doing better than I'm. In case, you're not feeling well, here is a few words :
I think you get my point here. We've all had those days where everything goes wrong - and everything turns to shit. *inserts poop emoji here* Life can't always be good. Trust me, I know. I've been having a couple of shitty months. The kind of months were everything isn't going the way you want it to go. You've planned everything in a certain way and nothing is happening according to plan. I guess I shouldn't be planning so much. To be honest, I can't help it. I'm a bit of a control freak. I like to be in control and organize everything. I'm never bored. I always have a lot of things to do. This month has been pretty hectic. Not everything was good but it wasn't all bad either. My future has never been so uncertain. I don't even have a flat to live in... Something went wrong with my new flat. After all, I won't be moving into a new flat but I still have to move out of my current flat. So it has been quite tricky... To be honest, things are quite messy. Actually, as you're reading this, I should be done with all that jazz. Who know where I'll be. Life has been quite unpredictable... To say the least. And, my control freak brain is freaking out.
One thing, I've learnt so far is that when things get tough, you're left on your own. In the end, you only have yourself. Yourself to blame and yourself to move on. But I'll get back to that part, in few days.
I'm only human. You're only humans. We are only humans. Summer is here. Things are changing. The sales are on and I don't even feel like shopping. Can you believe it? I simply feel sad. It's not the kind of sadness that can be cured by shopping therapy. The only thing that can fix this is good news. Maybe, the rainbow is just around the corner. Maybe, it's all I need. A little ray of sunshine. I hope you're doing better than I'm. In case, you're not feeling well, here is a few words :
Things will get better. You're stronger and smarter than you think. You can do it. Don't let a bad day get the best of you.
Heellooo my lovelies! I'm here again to speak about something dear to my heart. Well, everything and everyone on here, is dear to my heart. I guess my heart is pretty big. Anyway, I've made several articles like this one, you can find them here , over there, here and there. The main topic today is finding your voice.
“ You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world. ”
I don't know about you but for as long as I can remember nobody has ever told : " I believe in you, you can do anything you want." I was never encouraged. If for anything, I was told several times that I wasn't smart enough. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one. No need for violins here, ahah. Well, to be fair, one person, my amazing literature teacher who was one of a kind - definitely a special snowflake - , told me that I was enough and that I was smarter than I gave myself credit for. He was upset to see that I was wasting my potential. It was two years ago. I almost cried. Something in me cracked. That day, I realized that I let the world get to me. I didn't believe in myself anymore. It's a terrible habit we have to build low self esteem over time.
I always speak my mind. I've always been that girl who was witted and who didn't care about anything. I was fucking unbreakable. And then, it all came crashing down. I quickly learnt how to make myself look small and invisible. I guess, I thought that if I became invisible, life would forget about me. I'm sorry to break it down to you but it doesn't work.
This year, I've learnt something else. I've mastered the art of resilience used by many children. I found out that one of the hardest feeling is feeling like you don't belong. This whole year I've felt like I was not where I was supposed to be. I had no business being here. I felt like this wasn't the right thing for me. I've been trying hard to hold on and to convince myself that it would be okay in the end. I tried really hard to be somebody I'm not. And, do you want to know why I did it anyway ? Why did I keep going and didn't give up ? Even when everything inside me was begging me to stop this nightmare? Because I'M STUPID.
It was never enough. Never enough for them. They were never happy. They always had something to say. Of course, it was always something I wasn't doing right. I don't even know why I was so bend on getting their support for something I didn't want to do. Now, I don't even care. I'm done. I won't try to hold up to their high standards. Starting now, I'll do what I want to do. It won't be easy. I will probably feel lonelier than I've ever felt. If it's the price I have to pay to live my life, I'm okay with that. Send me the bill.
It isn't easy to stand up for yourself and for what you believe in. I've no problem doing it but standing up - against - someone you love is one of the toughest thing I've had to do.
All this rambling to help you understand where I'm coming from when I say : DON'T, DON'T
Playing it safe is not who I'm. I won't hide in the shadows. I won't follow a path that isn't for me. To this day, I know nothing. I'm a 22 years old girl with no dreams, no future and all I've to say for myself is that my only goal in life is to be happy. The only
I'm sharing my story with you - or maybe just part of it - because I dare to believe that I'm not the only one. This struggle to endure something that is taking every mental and physical strength you have left is pretty common.
Maybe you're feeling something similar. I understand. You're not alone. And perhaps, it's okay to have no idea where you're going but to be certain about where you don't want to end up.
Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon ♥
Hellooo mes lovelies ! Je suis de retour aujourd’hui pour parler de quelque chose de très spécial. Quelque chose qui me tient à cœur. J’ai fais quelques articles similaires à celui-ci : ici , là, par là et par ici. Le sujet principal de cet article est : trouver sa voi(e/x).
J’ignore ce qu’il en est pour vous mais d’aussi loin que je puisse me souvenir, je n’ai jamais entendu les mots : « je crois en toi et tu peux faire ce que tu veux. » Je n'ai jamais été encouragé. J’ai plutôt entendu des millions de fois que je n’étais pas assez intelligente, que je n’avais que des buts inatteignables. Je suis presque certaine que je ne suis pas la seule. Enfin, je dois être honnête ici et saluer le meilleur prof du monde. Mon prof de littérature. Il n’y en a pas eut deux comme lui. C’est l’une des personnes les plus géniales que j’ai pu rencontrer. Il m’a dit que j’étais plus intelligente que je le pensais. Il croyait en moi. Il était énervé de me voir « gâcher mon potentiel ». C’était il y a deux ans. J’ai failli fondre en larmes ce jour-là. Quelque chose en moi a craqué. Ce jour-là, j’ai réalisé que la vie avait réussir à obtenir le meilleur de moi. Je l’avais laissé gagner. J’avais cessé de croire en moi. C’est une habitude effroyable que nous avons de perdre confiance en nous avec le temps.
J’ai toujours parlé, peut-être parfois un peu trop. J’ai toujours été cette fille insouciante qui ne s’attachait pas. Cette fille qui ne se laissait pas atteindre. Je me sentais invincible. Et puis, tout s’est effondré. J’ai rapidement appris à me faire toute petite et à me rendre invisible. J’imagine que je pensais qu’ainsi la vie m’oublierait. Je suis désolée de vous décevoir mais cette tactique ne fonctionne pas.
En revanche, cette année j’ai appris tout autre chose. J’ai maitrisé l’art de la résignation. Cette art utilisé par les enfants. J’ai également découvert qu’un des sentiments les plus douloureux est de ne pas se sentir à sa place. Cette année m’a donné l’impression de ne pas être là où je devais être. Je n’avais rien à faire là où je me trouvais. Ce n’était pas fait pour moi. J’ai essayé très fort de m’accrocher, d’essayer de toutes mes forces. J’ai tenté en vain de supporter l’idée, de m’adapter. J’ai prétendu pour me convaincre que j’étais quelqu’un d’autre… Si c’était un tel calvaire pour moi, pourquoi ai-je décidé de le faire en premier lieu ? Car je suis bête, terriblement bête. J’ai choisi de poursuivre une voie qui m’était prédestinée, de poursuivre dans une direction qui m’était imposée. Tout ça pour faire plaisir à mes parents. Étudier pour être prof dans le seul but de devenir quelqu’un que je n’étais pas. Quelqu’un qui les rendrait fier.
Seulement, ce n’était jamais assez. Je n’étais jamais assez. Je ne faisais jamais assez. Ils n’étaient jamais contents. Je ne sais même pas pourquoi j’ai cherché autant à les complaire. Je n’ai jamais eu leur soutient et je ne sais pourquoi je m’imaginais l’avoir cette fois. Enfin, cette fois, c’est terminé. J’abandonne. Je renonce. Je ne vais plus chercher à satisfaire des standards qui ne sont pas atteignables. À partir de maintenant, je vais faire seulement ce que j’ai choisi de faire. Ce ne sera pas facile. Je vais sûrement me sentir encore plus seule que jamais. Mais si c'est le prix à payer pour vivre ma vie, je suis prête à l'accepter. Envoyer moi l'addition.
Ce n’est pas facile de défendre ses choix mais c’est encore pire à mes yeux lorsque l’on doit se tenir contre des personnes qui comptent le plus pour nous. Cependant, parfois, nous n’avons pas le choix.
Avec toutes mes digressions, j’ai tenté ici de vous faire comprendre un peu plus qui je suis et pourquoi je parle ainsi. Je pense qu’il est très important de : ne jamais au grand jamais vivre pour quelqu’un d’autre que vous même. Restez à l’école. Choisissez un métier qui vous correspond. Ne laissez pas les autres choisir à votre place. Personne d’autre que vous n’est apte à décider qui vous êtes et ce que je vous faîte de votre vie…
La facilité n’est pas moi. Je ne cache pas mes opinions. Je ne suivrais pas un chemin qui n’est pas fait pour moi. À ce jour, je ne sais rien. Je suis une femme de 22 ans avec aucun rêve et aucun avenir. Tout ce que j’ai à dire pour me justifier est que je veux être heureuse. Je veux faire quelque chose qui me rend heureuse. Je veux cesser de ressentir cette impression que je vais m’effondrer à chacun de mes pas.
Je partage avec vous une partie de mon histoire dans l’unique but de la dévoiler. J’ose espérer que je ne suis pas la seule. Peut-être que quelqu’un d’autre ressent ce combat intérieur qui demande toute la force mentale et physique qu’il vous reste.
Peut-être que vous ressentez quelque chose de similaire. Je comprends. Et peut-être que ce n’est pas grave de ne pas savoir où vous allez. Peut-être que ce n’est pas grave de seulement savoir où vous ne voulez pas atterrir.
Merci pour votre lecture et on se retrouve bientôt ♥
Hey my lovelies! Do you follow me on Instagram ? If so, you probably know some of those photographs but I thought I would do a little round up of what's going on @serenbird for those who didn't ♥ Don't forget to follow me on Instagram at @serenbird and Snapchat at @serenbird23 :) Thanks for stiking around! A lot of exciting things coming up soon ♥
Hey my lovelies. Me suivez-vous sur Instagram? Si c'est le cas, vous avez sûrement déjà vu ces photos mais je souhaitais les rassembler un petit peu par ici pour ceux qui ne les avaient pas vues! N'oubliez pas de me suivre sur Instagram @serenbird et sur snapchat @serenbird23 :) Merci d'être toujours là! Beaucoup de choses sont à venir ♥
Hey my lovelies. Me suivez-vous sur Instagram? Si c'est le cas, vous avez sûrement déjà vu ces photos mais je souhaitais les rassembler un petit peu par ici pour ceux qui ne les avaient pas vues! N'oubliez pas de me suivre sur Instagram @serenbird et sur snapchat @serenbird23 :) Merci d'être toujours là! Beaucoup de choses sont à venir ♥
You might have noticed that I didn't blog much between the end of March and now, the begining of April. I think it's about time we catch up. Here’s what’s new with me lately…
01. At the beginning of Spring, I got some flowers from the flowers market. They were so lovely and lasted for about ten days! Nolan was very fond of it, as well.
02. My mom stayed with me for a few days. It was so good seeing her! ♥
03. I've been planning a trip to Amsterdam for about a month now. We will be leaving shortly. I'm so excited! I've never been to Amsterdam ... Actually, as you read this post, I'll probably be there.
04. Quite frankly, these last few days have had their ups and downs. I was very sick and tired but thankfully Nolan was always there to cheer me up ahaha. #catsowners I'm still pretty tired. I think I need to have a check up really soon... It took a lot of time and involved a lot of staying in bed but I feel a little better now so that's always good!
05. I got my very first - and last - piercings! I got my earrs pierced on each sides. It was a bit scary but thankfully one of my friends was there with me - to support me with my crazy ideas ♥
What has everyone been up to ? Thanks for reading ♥
Vous avez sûrement remarqué que je n'ai pas beaucoup écris ces derniers temps soit entre la fin du mois dernier et ce début de mois d'avril. Je pense qu'il est temps de faire une petite mise au point. Voilà sans plus attendre des nouvelles de ma part ou plus précisément cinq choses positives.
01. Au début du Printemps, j'ai acheté des fleurs au marché des fleurs. Elles étaient sublimes et ont tenu presque 10 jours! Nolan aussi les a apprécié aahahah.
02. Ma mère est venue passer quelques jours chez moi. C'était sympa de la voir! ♥
03. Il y a à peu près un mois, j'ai préparé un court séjour à Amsterdam. Je ne devrais pas tarder à partir. J'ai tellement hâte! Je n'ai jamais été à Amsterdam avant cela... Pour tout vous dire, alors que vous lisez ce post, j'y suis sûrement.
04. Pour être honnête, ces deniers jours ont eut leurs hauts et leurs bas. J'ai été très malade et fatiguée. Heureusement, Nolan était toujours présent pour me remonter le moral ahaha (#catsowners) Je suis toujours assez fatiguée... Je pense que je vais devoir aller voir le docteur... Cela a pris beaucoup de temps et a demandé de rester au lit pendant un bon moment mais je me sens déjà mieux à présent! Ce qui est toujours bien :)
05. J'ai également fait mon premier (et dernier) piercing. Je me suis fait percé le deuxième trous des deux oreilles. J’appréhendais un peu mais heureusement mon amie était à mes côtés pour me soutenir dans mes folies :) ♥
Et vous, quoi de neuf? Merci pour votre lecture ♥
Hello everyone. First, I'm sorry for not blogging this week. I've been busy but mostly very tired. I don't feel very well. I'm a bit down on every side. I'm trying to BE POSITIVE but clearly not well enough. It's a whole new chapter of my life. I've been questionning a lot of choices and a lot of things which only managed to bring me further down but anyway I wanted to let you know I'm still here. I still want to blog. I love writing, sharing with you. It allows me to find my own voice. I'm always amazed to see that you do care about anything I write here. I'm always so amazed by the fact that someone reads me. It's crazy. It's absolutely wonderful. I'm so grateful for everything. I'm blessed but yet, I feel sad. How selfish can I be, am I right ? I have no right to complain about my life. And there goes my guilt again. Anyway, you've probably had enough of my last life crisis. I'll soon manage to sit down and write again. I'll let you know, baby birds. By the way, the photograph above was taken in my new flat! Thanks again for reading. I'm sorry again ♥ And don't ever forget that you're amazing!
{ } Bonjour! Tout d'abord, je vous prie de m'excuser pour ne pas avoir posté sur le blog cette semaine. J'ai été très occupée mais surtout très fatiguée. Je ne me sens pas très bien ces derniers temps... Je n'ai pas non plus le moral. J'essaie de rester positivemais je ne semble pas vraiment y parvenir. C'est un tout nouveau chapitre de ma vie. Je questionne beaucoup de choses mais aussi mes choix passés. Ce qui m'attire bien sûr du mauvais côté de la balance. Enfin, je ne pense pas que cela vous intéresse énormément. Je souhaitais écrire ce petit mot pour vous informer que je suis toujours là. Je désire toujours écrire sur mon blog. J'adore écrire et partager avec vous. Cela me permet de trouver ma propre voix. Je suis toujours aussi émerveillée de voir que ce que je peux écrire ici vous intéresse. Je suis toujours aussi surprise par le fait que quelqu'un puisse me lire. C'est fou. C'est tellement merveilleux. Je suis vraiment reconnaissante pour tout ça. Je me sens terriblement chanceuse. Je suis chanceuse et pourtant je suis triste. Je suis terriblement égoïste, n'est-ce pas? Je n'ai aucun droit de me plaindre. Et voilà, ma culpabilité qui revient. Enfin, vous en avez sûrement marre d'entendre parler de ma crise existentielle. Je devrais essayer de me remettre à écrire bientôt. Je vous tiendrais au courant, mes oiseaux. Par ailleurs, la photo ci-dessus a été prise dans mon nouvel appartement. Je vous remercie de me lire et je suis désolée encore une fois.. ♥ Prenez soin de vous, les birds. Et vous êtes les meilleurs, ne l'oubliez pas!
{ } Bonjour! Tout d'abord, je vous prie de m'excuser pour ne pas avoir posté sur le blog cette semaine. J'ai été très occupée mais surtout très fatiguée. Je ne me sens pas très bien ces derniers temps... Je n'ai pas non plus le moral. J'essaie de rester positive
I have decided to be a bit more optimistic. I had my hopes up and I let faillure bring me down. I am not a quitter or like they'd say on the tv show SCANDAL : ' ARE WE GLADITORS OR ARE WE BITCHES ? ' Well, I'm a gladiator. I don't give up easily. I needed to remind myself of it I guess. I am not doing very great in my university course at the moment but I am not giving up either. My intership in a primary school is almost over. It has been quite enlightening. Like probably almost everyone in their 20s I am struggling to find my path. Knowing what you want to do with the rest of your life is not an easy task. Anyway, I figured I would share with you what makes me happy on a daily basis. What make your life brighter?
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