Showing posts with label short reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label short reviews. Show all posts
Hello lovelies! I hope you're doing very well. Today, I'm doing the desert island makeup tag. Basically, I'll tell you why and what I would take with me on a desert island. I had to narrow it down to makeup otherwise I would have gone a bit overboard... I managed to size it down to
― Charlotte Tilbury, Light wonder.
The first item on the list is noooo surprise. I'm sure by now you're sick of hearing me go on and on about the Light Wonder foundation from Charlotte Tilbury. To this day, I simply have not found anything as good as this foundation. It's a perfect match for my skintone (I'm a mac NW15). It's light and luminous. It has SPF15. What else can I ask for?
― Nars, Radiant creamy concealer.
Same old. Same old. We all know this little guy. I will always be loyal to this concealer. Well, until I find something as good as this one. My concealer is on the shade: Vanilla.
― Laura Mercier, Invisible pressed setting powder (universal).
My little gift from my dear mother is getting emptier... I will definitely be repurchasing it. I cannot live - and leave - without this magic baby. This famous sugar is worth every penny. It's like
― Benefit, Gimme brow.
I'm starting to see a pattern here. Have I become a creature of habits? Oh sit. Once again, if I only use one brow product this one would make the cut. I have the shade 1 and it matches my eyebrow like nothing else. You can never go wrong with this brow-volumizing fiber gel!
― Too faced, better than sex.
Classic choice. Back to basics. I always go back to this baby. I prefer the mini version as it is cheaper and this way I can actually finish it before having to throw it away. Please note: a mascara cannot be kept more than 1-3 months.
― Zoeva, stippling brush & Real Techniques, powder brush.
I own quite a lot of makeup brushes. It's a secret addiction of lazy girls but shhh let's keep this secret to ourselves! This stippling brush is my favourite way to apply foundation. It takes me less than 1 minute to do it: time saver. My trusted RT brush has been all over the world with me and it has a couple of years on its belt. Nonetheless, it still looks hella bomb.
― Stila, stay all day liquid lipstick.
Whenever I'm traveling, going out on a girls night, I will always reach out for this lipstick. Fiery is the perfect red. Am I the only who feels like you can never go wrong with a bright red? Sometimes, I wear no makeup at all and just rock this little baby. I feel fierce!
What products would you take? What have you been loving lately?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin. You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
Good afternoon my lovebirds,
I hope you're all doing very well on this Sunday afternoon.
You might - or not - remember that I've wanted to try Kat Von D's products since I started my blog. - Oh boy, how long it's been! Thus, I have something exciting to announce... I FINALLY MANAGED TO GET MY HANDS ON SOME KAT VON D PRODUCTS! YAAAYYYYYYYYYY! I feel like this haul won't be the only Kat Von D haul...
The famous brand finally arrived in France. As soon as it was out in my local Sephora, I couldn't resist. I might have gone a bit crazy... - I mean, did I really need 3 new lipsticks? I almost picked up the concealer as well but I'm trying to finish the one I already own first. - I know, I was as surprised by myself as you're right now. So out of character...
I purchased three Everlasting liquid lipstick :
from left to right: exorcism - lolita - double dare.
My opinion : I'm a big fan of the formula. It doesn't dry too quickly. It's easy to apply. - And oh boy, I'm terrible at applying lipstick. The only thing I feel is a shame are the lack of colours of the whole everlasting liquid lipsticks range. In my point of view, there are a lot of shades that are similar to what I already own. There is only 3 shades of lipsticks that I liked. AND YES, I GOT ALL THREE! #noselfcontrol I've put all three lipsticks to the test. They last pretty well on my lips. I only have to reapply it after lunch and boy, I drink way too many teas before lunch... The darkest shade : Exorcism ended up being my favourite. Even if, Lolita comes pretty close. Double dare goes with almost every makeup I can wear. My lips aren't too dried out after wearing it for a whole day. However, those lipsticks aren't easy to remove... Nonetheless, it's nothing a good Lush lipscrub cannot fix!
Do I recommend this product ? 100% yes! If you fancy yourself a brand new liquid lipstick and fall in love with one of the Everlasting liquid shades, then GOOOO GIRL!
4.5 ✰
Have you tried any of Kat Von D's products ? Which one is your favourite? Do you like her lipsticks? Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
I hope you enjoyed this little haul. Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin... You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
I hope you're all doing very well on this Sunday afternoon.
You might - or not - remember that I've wanted to try Kat Von D's products since I started my blog. - Oh boy, how long it's been! Thus, I have something exciting to announce... I FINALLY MANAGED TO GET MY HANDS ON SOME KAT VON D PRODUCTS! YAAAYYYYYYYYYY! I feel like this haul won't be the only Kat Von D haul...
The famous brand finally arrived in France. As soon as it was out in my local Sephora, I couldn't resist. I might have gone a bit crazy... - I mean, did I really need 3 new lipsticks? I almost picked up the concealer as well but I'm trying to finish the one I already own first. - I know, I was as surprised by myself as you're right now. So out of character...
from left to right: exorcism - lolita - double dare.
My opinion : I'm a big fan of the formula. It doesn't dry too quickly. It's easy to apply. - And oh boy, I'm terrible at applying lipstick. The only thing I feel is a shame are the lack of colours of the whole everlasting liquid lipsticks range. In my point of view, there are a lot of shades that are similar to what I already own. There is only 3 shades of lipsticks that I liked. AND YES, I GOT ALL THREE! #noselfcontrol I've put all three lipsticks to the test. They last pretty well on my lips. I only have to reapply it after lunch and boy, I drink way too many teas before lunch... The darkest shade : Exorcism ended up being my favourite. Even if, Lolita comes pretty close. Double dare goes with almost every makeup I can wear. My lips aren't too dried out after wearing it for a whole day. However, those lipsticks aren't easy to remove... Nonetheless, it's nothing a good Lush lipscrub cannot fix!
Do I recommend this product ? 100% yes! If you fancy yourself a brand new liquid lipstick and fall in love with one of the Everlasting liquid shades, then GOOOO GIRL!
Have you tried any of Kat Von D's products ? Which one is your favourite? Do you like her lipsticks? Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Hey guys! I can't remember if I did a 'how to' on cleaning your makeup brushes but I entended to do one at some point.
Anyway, I usually go with my Sephora's Cleaner but the bottle is way too tiny for its price tag. So when it was empty I ordered something else from FeelUnique's website. Sephora's makeup brushes cleaner is a good product tho. I simply wish it came in a bigger bottle.
I settled on the Pro Hygiene Collection Makeup Brush Cleaner because it was a 240ml bottle. I've been using it for about two months now. I clean my makeup brushes at least once a week. I shampoo them once a month. This is a quick-drying brush cleaner that can be used on a daily basis. I use a tissue to remove the dirt. However, I find it a bit harsh. It takes more than one sweep to get all the dirt out of the brushes. It does clean the brush but quite frankly I'm not sure I would repurchase this item.
RATING : 3.5/5
Coucou les lovebirds! Je ne me souviens pas si j'ai déjà fait un 'how to' au sujet du nettoyage de vos pinceaux à maquillage... Dans tous les cas, j'ai pensé à le faire. Bref, j'utilise habituellement mon nettoyant pinceaux de chez Sephora mais la bouteille est bien trop petite pour son prix. De ce fait lorsque celle-ci fût vide, j'ai choisi de commander autre chose sur le site FeelUnique. Le produit de Sephora reste un bon produit néanmoins. J'aurais simplement préféré que la bouteille soit plus grande...
J'ai donc choisi le Pro Hygiene Collection Makeup Brush Cleaner pour sa contenance de 240ml. Je l'utilise maintenant depuis prĂšs de deux mois. Je nettoie mes pinceaux au moins une fois par semaine. Je les nettoie avec un shampoing une fois par mois. Ce produit est un produit qui sĂ©che rapidement et donc qui peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© frĂ©quemment. J'utilise un mouchoir pour retirer l'excĂ©dent de maquillage (et donc nettoyer mon pinceau). Il peut ĂȘtre utiliser tous les jours. Cependant, je le trouve un peu agressif. Les poils de mes pinceaux sont tout Ă©bouriffĂ©s aprĂšs coup... Ce qui n'est pas trĂšs rassurant! Il faut plus d'un passage pour bien nettoyer les pinceaux... Il nettoie les pinceaux mais honnĂȘtement je ne suis pas sĂ»re de le racheter un jour...
note : 3.5/5
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