Hello my birds,
I hope all is well for you. It must not come as a surprise but I have decided to do my kind of resolutions. I don't believe in resolutions so I will call these: "my small goals for 2018". I've been thinking and there are a few things I need to give up. This year is going to be my last year as a student - if everything goes right. I need to sort out a few things and get a grip on other things. I mean, I should be more of an adult.
#1 Declutter my life
I feel like I have too many things. I have too many things in my life, on my mind. I need to sort everything out. Reduce the amount of shit I own and buy. I've already manage to reduce the food I waste. I want to reduce the amount of plastic I use. I want to declutter my wardrobe. I want to have a big change. Something different. I want less crap.
#2 Take more time to rest
I'm always rushing. Going places and collecting sleepless nights. I need to remember to take timeout and rest. I need to remember that choosing myself is okay. I have been feeling very tired. I think I might need a good week off...
#3 Travel more
I love traveling. I want to discover new cities. I need to meet new people. See what this world is all about. Adventure is calling. Who's down to be my travel buddy? Let's leave tomorrow.
What are the things you want to leave in 2018?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x