Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Hi lovebirds! I hope all is well. This guest post was written by the lovely Roxana. She is a travel enthusiast and lifestyle consultant from Sydney. She is all about the healthy lifestyle, loves to run with her husband and dogs and has fun cooking exotic meals for her family. You can find out more about her writing following her on twitter and facebook. She is also one of the editors at Higstylife Magazine. I hope you'll enjoy this blogpost and I'll talk to you soon ♥ x
In today’s high-tech world, there’s a whole army of gadgets that help us do whatever we want much quicker and more efficient. Through over 2 million existing apps, you can basically store your whole life on your smartphone. But does the fact that our lives are becoming easier also imply we’re becoming spiritually impoverished?
Technology dictates how you spend your free time, it impacts the quality of your sleep and influences real relationships you have. The world is virtually connected more than ever, but it often leads to lack of real life communication. There are many campaigns that fight for people being more present in face-to-face conversations and laying off the smartphone. But sometimes, it’s hard to balance everything out and find serenity in this fast-paced environment. Here’s how you can appreciate the advantages of technology, but don’t let it control your life.
~ Pick a day to disconnect
There is a pressure to be present on the social media, and many users are experiencing stress because of it. People tend to seek online gratification, creating their online lives that are unrealistic and fake. We’re on our phones constantly: when we ride the bus heading home, we’re scrolling down our Instagram; in the elevator, we check our Facebook instead of simply waiting for our floor. Our tendency to fill in the time with screen time has become obsessive. Pick one day in a week when you’ll consciously disconnect: it will significantly change your overall mood. Use your cell phone the old way (only for calls and messages via which you arrange meetings), and spend a day outside, with your friends.
~ Rearrange your workspace
We live in a consumer society, where we are constantly encouraged to buy new things. This often leads to purchasing stuff you don’t really need, either because you got seduced by advertisers, or because you’ve unconsciously formed a buying habit. Material things can clutter our workspaces, leaving us restless or unproductive. Very often, you don’t even know your messy desk is stopping you from doing your job well and you might blame other things for your pale days at work, such as the lack of sleep or moodiness. Rearrange your workspace in order to find peace in your mind. Throwing away stuff you don’t need is a good first step. Also, consider getting a Feng Shui consultation and don’t be afraid to ask the expert some questions. Feng Shui has a very interesting philosophy behind it and it can be effective in helping you organize your space meaningfully. With its 3000-year-old tradition, Feng Shui is something worth giving a shot.
~ Organize your time wisely
It seems as we’re all focused on our businesses more than ever. It may be because it’s a big competition out there, or due to the fact that capitalism is reaching its peak. You have to learn how to organize your time and prioritize. Many people spend their free time doing nothing but staring at their computers or TV screens. Leisure time is very important and you have to make it meaningful. Some say that the Western civilization, its rapid development and cultural hegemony - caused a certain division in a man, dividing him in two halves. The first half is his body, the second his mind. Popular psychology interprets this as a reason of many modern mental illnesses appearing. You have to devote time to physical activity and do things that give you a sense of identity. Ancient Greeks knew how crucial it is to take care of your body and mind equally: exercising was one of the holistic ways to do that.
Take these simple tips into consideration the next time you feel overwhelmed with the tech era. Remember that world is not good or bad by itself. It all depends on how you adapt to it.
- Roxana.
Hello my lovebirds! I hope all is well. October is here. It doesn't really feel like Autumn but well autumn is here. The beginning of October seemed like a good moment to share my monthly favourites. I haven't done it in a while but a little monthly round up of my faves products seemed quite overdue.
✧ EVE LOM mask. You probably remember my review. If not, you can find it here. I've been using this mask every week. Definitely one of my favourite skincare item!
✧ Luna Play, FOREO. I did a review of this baby pink beauty earlier this month. I've been using it once a week ever since! It's definitely more than just a pretty face.
✧ Precision Eyeliner, KIKO. I haven't made a review of this eyeliner but it reconciled with eyeliner. I go through phases of wearing eyeliner and not wearing any at all. I've been wearing it almost everyday since I bought it! It's easy to apply and lasts all day. What more can a girl ask for?
✧ ADOPT, Lip & Kiss Velvet Lipstick. My wonderful and amazing friend - this one is for you, M.! - got me this jumbo lipstick for my birthday. It's from a French brand called Adopt. It lasts quite a long time on my lips and the color is absolutely gorgeous. I was seriously impressed by this lipstick! Way to go girl!
- HAIR ~
✧ My GHD vintage pink, straighteners. My straighteners were broken. My mom was kind enough to buy me new straighteners for my birthday. In fact, she didn't pick any straighteners. She picked my holy grail of straighteners : GHD. I've been drooling over this beauty and dreaming of owning this for about a year or so now. I'm sooo amazed by how fast it's warm and how it doesn't damage my hair. Besides, £10 from the sale of every ghd V electric pink styler will go to support breast cancer research which is a big bonus... Talk about life changing magic!
✧ Reading : Blogs I've loved reading include : From Roses ; Emily Trinh, The Glam Surge & Along Came Kathy. Sharing is caring and those girls are amazing! I love reading their blogs!
✧ Watching : Chelsea's Talkshow. I've been watching her talkshow since it started. I love Chelsea's persona. We are so much alike in someways. If you haven't watched her series : Chelsea does, I would advise you to do so. Her talkshow is very funny as well!
✧ My new grey cardigan, ASOS. Yes, I'm weak. I caved and got myself that cardigan from my wishlist. I dare to think it's not just me. I think we've all been hit by this consumer society. I wish I could say I regret buying it but I've been wearing it a lot so sorry not sorry, dear bank account!
✧ My new boots, MAJE. Unfortunately, I couldn't find them online but I got those beautiful boots for my birthday. I think I took the last pair. They were waiting for me. It was my last birthday gift. (#spoiled) It was a last chance, last items from the Summer sales kind of thing. I did an unboxing of this parcel on my snapchat. By the way, my snapchat username is serenbird23 - in case you were wondering.
I hope you enjoyed this round up. Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin... You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
Hi lovelies! Last Thursday, I turned 23. Some of you asked to see a birthday haul, so here are my wonderful gifts. I'm not going to lie, I was spoiled. I have amazing friends and family. I'm so blessed. I love gifts : receiving and giving gifts. I love picking gifts and buying things for people.
I didn't do anything special for my birthday as it was my first day in a new university. However, on Saturday, I went out for burgers and ice cream with my mom and on Sunday, I went to the restaurant - again, yep, I feel about 10 pounds heavier but food is life. I love food. - with one of my closest friend. On overall, it was a lovely way to start my 23rd year. By the way, dear 23rd year, you better be good.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling - for now. As, I said before, no desire to brag. I simply want to share with you what my golden people got me for my 23rd birthday!
When is your birthday? What was the best present you ever got? Let me - and my lovely readers - know in the comments below :) Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon ♥
I hope you enjoyed this haul. Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin... You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
Hey my lovebirds! I hope all is well for you. I'm sorry for not blogging much lately. Life's been hectic. Anyway, I decided to come back with a blog about blogging. I know we all have different reasons for doing what we do. Most of my readers are bloggers as well so I'm hoping you'll enjoy reading this blog. Full disclosure, this is going to be cheesy as f. You know how much a girl can love her cheese. It's okay to be emotional once a while, isn't it? Let's pretend, for a minute, that we're not in a heartless world. After all, we're only humans, aren't we?
So here are a few reasons WHY I LOVE BLOGGING :
1. Writing. Writing, creating content, taking photographs are some of my favourite things to do.
2. Sharing. I love sharing and discussing things with you. I LOOOVE hearing your thoughts. I like how it feels like we are amongst friends.
3. A safe place. I love having a place where I can speak my mind. Serenbird is a safe place, a place where anyone can share her/his opinions or/and his/her story.
4. You. You are absolutely amazing. I love having a place where I can talk to like-minded people. I love meeting new people and learning more about who's reading me.
5. The Blogging world. The blogging world is such a lovely place. We are a great community. Not everyone will agree but blogging has been a good adventure so far. I have been lucky enough to get support from amazing people. I love reading blogs and discovering someone else's universe.
I'm not one to throw around the world 'love' lightly. So when I say love. I definitely love my lovebirds. So yeah, this one is for you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for 'cause there won't be a serenbird without you, lovelies.
I would love to know why you blog. Why do you love Blogging? Let me know in the comments below.
Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon ♥
I hope you enjoyed this blog. Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin... You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
Hi lovelies! I hope everything is okay for you. I finally finished reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up. I sure took my sweet time reading it but it was very informative. I've done a few books reviews in the past. Boy, it was so long ago! I had just started blogging. Now, I feel like my style has changed quite a lot! Anyway, no more rambling. - well, to be honest, when have I ever stopped rambling? Yup, I can't remember either...
' Despite constant efforts to declutter your home, do papers still accumulate like snowdrifts and clothes pile up like a tangled mess of noodles?Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, promising that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you’ll never have to do it again. Most methods advocate a room-by-room or little-by-little approach, which doom you to pick away at your piles of stuff forever. The KonMari Method, with its revolutionary category-by-category system, leads to lasting results. In fact, none of Kondo’s clients have lapsed (and she still has a three-month waiting list).
With detailed guidance for determining which items in your house “spark joy” (and which don’t), this international bestseller featuring Tokyo’s newest lifestyle phenomenon will help you clear your clutter and enjoy the unique magic of a tidy home—and the calm, motivated mindset it can inspire. '
I enjoyed reading that book. I love how Marie Kondon writes. It's fluid. It contains extracts from her personnal life and her experience as a tidying expert. You can find several chapters organized by theme. The book gradually takes you on your tidy journey. She shares tips and tricks on how organize and simplify your home. I love how she somehow gives us pieces of her Japanese heritage. She brushes through the Japanese culture and tradition. She is guiding us through what she calls the ' sparking joy of tidying up. ' If you're anything like me - and Marie Kondo, yes, we're pals now. well not really but... - that is to say you love pretty and tidy things then you'll probably like this book. After all, it's a
As much as I want to say yes, it's just a book. I'm a tidy person. I've always ended up tidying and caring after people. However, I do feel like this book has influenced my life. I can relate to Marie Kondo. She fights to make the world a better place, a tidy house at a time!
This book had a lot of success when it came out. It was a #1 NY Times bestseller with more than 3 million copies sold. I find that fascinating. In the end, her book probably changed lives. - and most definitely, her book must have been a life-changing experience for her. So that's always good!
Have you read this book? Have you read any books that changed your views on life ?
Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon ♥
I hope you enjoyed this blogpost. Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin... You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
Hi my loves! I hope all is well in your world. If not, don't despair, it gets better. It always does... I mean, it has to get better! I thought I would post a more personnal blog. It has been a couple of days since I've actually done a litte life update. I might do one really soon. Anyhow, here are a few facts - you might not know about me :
Coucou, mes amours! J'espère que votre monde se porte bien. Si ce n'est pas le cas, ne désespérez pas. Cela s'arrange toujours. Du moins, ça s'arrange. C'est obligé. J'ai choisi aujourd'hui d'écrire un article un peu plus personnel. Pourquoi? Car je souhaite que vous appreniez à connaître un peu plus la blogueuse derrière Serenbird. Voici donc quelques détails sur moi :
1. I'm bossy. I simply can't help it. I always end up bossing people around. I don't really mean anything by it. So sorry if I ever bossed you around! I guess that's a burden we have to bear together ahahah
I also love pretty and expensive things. I know that it's not something everyone can understand. I tend to surround myself with pretty and expensive things. I love being amongst pretty things. I would rather own one expensive thing than 200 cheap things. It's just the way I am. I splurge on things and well, who gives a shit. I work so I can do whatever the f* I want with my money.
2. I've been considering starting a youtube channel but I'm too much of a chicken to actually do it. I'm already self-critical as it is. I'm afraid my french accent is going to show. - trust me, no one wants to hear that...
3. I don't have a lot of friends and I like it that way. I would rather have one friend that I see every weekend than a thousand friends that are always busy and can't be here when I need them. I'm a very loyal person so I expect people to be there when I was there for them. Sadly, they always tend to vanish. So yeah, real and smaller circle of friends, it's then!
4. I'm sooo short. So short, I'm often mistaken for a child. Don't you dare laugh! It's no fun... Trust me. You're always too short. You wear heels all the time just so you'll have a proper - average - height. You often have trouble reaching out for things. It's quite difficult to find things suit you perfectly. You have that baby face that makes people think you're the nicest person in the world. - Hint : I'm not nice. Or at least, I like to think I'm not nice.
5. I want to live in the UK or in Ireland. It's THE big plan. That 10 years plan you've had since you were old enough to make any plans. I want to travel the world but I also want a place to call my home. I've always felt at home when I was in the UK or in Ireland. In fact, I don't think I've ever felt more at home anywhere else.
Anyway, I definitely want you to get to know me better but I also want to get to know you better. So share with me, in the comments below, a few facts about you. Come on! Don't let me stand - on my own - awkwardly in the corner... Come join me!
Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon ♥
I hope you enjoyed this blogpost. Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin... You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
Hi lovelies! My birthday is upon us. It's coming up quickly. You know how much I love making lists. So it's no surprise I'm making a birthday wishlist on my blog, isn't it? Anyway, I've made a list of all those things I'd love to get for my birthday. By the way, my birthday is on the 22nd of September - for those who didn't know it already. It might give you ideas on what to ask for your very own special day. I don't know... I love finding out stuff. So wishlists are a lovely way to find out more about the things other people like - or not.
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I'd love to know what's on your wishlist. It might give me - or any lovebirds out there - some ideas so don't hold back. We are amongst friends here. Anyway, let me know in the comments below. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon ♥
I hope you enjoyed this wishlist. Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin... You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
Hey my lovebirds! I hope all is well with you. I decided to change my schedule. I was supposed to post a review today but I wanted to write about some other love of mine : Stationery. I'm a big fan of stationery. I could buy a dosen things and still feel like I need more. It's quite the addiction, isn't it? Anyway, I wrote down my favourite shops and picks from those shops. I hope you will enjoy this little roundup. Thank you for reading ! ♥
Hey mes lovebirds, j'espère que tout va bien pour vous. J'ai finalement choisi de changer mon programme de ce mois-ci. J'étais censée poster une revue de maquillage mais j'avais plutôt envie de parler de papeterie. Sûrement la rentrée des classes qui m'a influencée. Je suis une grande fan de la papeterie. J'adore les cahiers, les agendas, les stylos qui sortent de l'ordinaire. Je pourrais en avoir des tonnes et toujours avoir l'impression que j'en ai besoin de plus... C'est une sacré addiction, n'est-ce pas? Enfin, j'espère que vous apprécierez ce petit guide qui vient à point tomber. Merci pour votre lecture, les loulous ♥
I discovered this shop a few years ago. I think it was about two years ago. It has shifted since then. I feel like it now aims towards a younger clientele. However, I still managed to find a few gorgeous pieces. Besides, it's the perfect place to shop for basic stationery items as well.
Il y a à peu près deux ans, j'ai découvert ce magasin. Ils ont changé d'audience depuis. De ce fait, je n'ai pas vraiment acheté grand chose là-bas l'an dernier... Cependant, cette année, j'ai tout de même réussi à vous sélectionner quelques jolies choses. C'est également un de mes endroits préférés où acheter des basiques.
I'm a huge fan of this shop. I love pretty much everything on there. It's so unique and lovely. It arrived soooo fast as well. Seriously, if you've not bought anything from Ohh deer, you're missing out. They are also available on Asos and Urban Outfitters.
J'ai découvert cette boutique récemment. La livraison était super rapide. J'aime presque tout sur ce site. C'était difficile de se limiter ahahaha. Vous pouvez également les trouver sur Asos et Urban Outfitters.
This is such an iconic brand. I mean they're everywhere. You can fin them on their official website and a few other shops now sell that brand as well. It's simply the prettiest design. It has this vintage and girly feel to it. I love their design so freaking much. To be honest, I kinda wish I could own eveything ahah Too bad, it's so pricey.
C'est très certainement une marque qui se passe d'introduction. Elle est devenue très iconique. Vous pouvez les trouver sur le site officiel américain mais également auprès de leur revendeur. Je suis folle amoureuse de leur design. Il a ce côté girly et vintage. Pour être honnête, si je le pouvais j'aurais sûrement un placard rempli de leur produit...
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Kikk K is a sweddish stationery brand. It has stylish and -quite pricey- scandinavian designs. My heart melts every time I look at their website. Here are a few picks from KIKK K :
Cette marque de papeterie suédoise est assez chère mais d'excellente qualité. Ces carnets de haute qualité aux designs soignés et scandinaves font définitivement fondre mon coeur!
I tend to shop at Etsy as often as I can. I might be wrong but I believe that by doing so I'm giving money to small businesses, to people who strongly believe in their arts and want to share it with the rest of the world. They do unique pieces and they can come from all around the world. As much as I can, I'll always choose those people over the big companies. Here are a few of my favourite stationery picks from etsy:
J'essaie d'acheter sur Etsy aussi souvent que possible. J'ai l'espoir qu'en faisant cela je donne de l'argent à des petits commerçants. À des personnes comme vous et moi qui ont choisi de partager leur talent avec le reste du monde. Ils font des pièces uniques et viennent du monde entier. Aussi souvent que possible, je préfère ce genre de boutiques à nos mutinationales aux dents longues.
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What about you? What are your favourite picks from those shops ? What are your favourite places to shop for stationery? Let me know in the comments below. I'll see you soon ♥
Et vous, quels sont vos endroits préférés pour acheter de la papeterie ? Quels sont objets préférés sur les sites dont j'ai parlé? Dîtes moi tout dans les commentaires ci-dessous. À bientôt, les amours ♥
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