my new bag ♥

28 September 2015

Hello, my beautiful birds! For my birthday, my parents offered me this stunning VEGAN LEATHER handbag. Its size is medium. It is a light shade of grey. Kelly from GloopCreations and I talked together on Etsy for a while before I chose to order this bag. She made it herself. I got lucky enough as to choose the colour of this bag. She got it especially for me - how cool is that?! She was kind enough to offer me different grey alternatives. It was very fun. I can't get enough of this bag. It fits everything I need for a day of university or day out in the city. It's good for everyday wear. It's good quality and has a lovely finish. It's really well made. The delivery was fast and secure. Kelly is adorable, reliable and understanding which is a big bonus. You can get my bag here or a similar one.
I'm so happy to share with you this little shop I discovered on Etsy. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do and thanks for reading ♥

Her Etsy shop :
≈ GloopCreations

" Hi!
My name is Kelly and I am a student οf architecture at the technical university of Athens.
The whole idea of creating jewlery started for me when our school was on strike for a very long time (3 months) and I had some remains of brass from a model that I had been working on for a school project. I started playing with the pieces and soon I was creating rings for my mother and my friends. When the funds of my scholarship were delayed due to the strike, I decided it was time for me to start selling my jewlery to local bazaars. The attempt was quite successful so I started making bags and purses. I find it really intriguing trying to understand the way a purse is constructed and shaped and when I received a sewing machine as a nameday present, things really took off. This is when I decided to start my etsy shop, because I could finally offer a more professional and polished outcome. I try to create bags with simple geometric lines, that always have something special on them. I try to make bags that are chic, without being too classic or indefferent. I hope you enjoy my designs!
Thanks for visiting,
You can find her shop here.
* This post was not sponsored. It's my genuine and very own opinion. I really loved her bag and think she deserves to be noticed.

{ } Hello, my beautiful birds! Pour mon anniversaire, mes parents m'ont offert ce magnifique sac en cuir vegan. Il est de taille moyenne et de couleur gris clair. J'ai parlé avec Kelly de GloopCreations pendant un petit moment sur Etsy avant de passer ma commande. Elle l'a fabriqué elle-même. J'ai eu la chance de pouvoir choisir la couleur de ce sac. Kelly a été chercher cette couleur spécialement pour moi. Si ce n'est pas génial! Elle m'a gentiment proposé plusieurs teintes de gris. C'était très amusant. Je ne me passe plus de ce sac. Il me permet de transporter mes affaires pour l'université. Il est parfait pour aller en cours ou pour se balader en ville. Il est parfait pour tous les jours. Il est de bonne qualité et est très bien fini. Il est vraiment très bien fait. La livraison a été rapide et sécurisée. Kelly est adorable, fiable et très compréhensive. Ce qui est un bonus! Vous pouvez acheter mon sac ici ou encore un modèle similaire. Je suis contente de partager avec vous ma dernière trouvaille : cette petite boutique présente sur Etsy. J'espère que vous l'apprécierez autant que moi. Je vous remercie de continuer à me lire ♥

Vous pouvez trouver sa boutique ici.
* Cet article n'est pas sponsorisé. Il contient mon honnête et personnel avis. J'ai apprécié son sac. C'est donc pour cela que j'ai choisi de vous en parler.

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