moving on, moving back

15 June 2015

Hello there ♥
As you might know, I didn't blog last week. I'm so sorry. I ran out of time. However, I have some news to share with you. I got my degree ♥ ♥ I had to sort out a few things. I moved out of my apartment. I'm back in my parents' house. I don't know how long I'll stay there. I should know around the 15th of July. I saw my friends and moved out my stuff. I worked quite a lot. I've been busy so to speak. I really missed blogging though. (a) You guys are amazing! I thought I would talk about some things to remember when you're about to have your very first own apartment :

1) don't over pack you'll regret it.
2) don't buy too many stuff to decorate your apartment (or you will be left with too many stuff when you leave)
3) don't buy new clothes because you forgot some clothes at your parents' house
4) you will spend a lot of your time : eating, cooking, doing laundry and cleaning your place.

Those observations are funny conclusions. They are not to be taken seriously. I'm simply stating what I wish someone would have told me a few years ago. It doesn't mean I did or didn't do any of those things. Learn, live and make mistakes cause that's all life is about. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this blog ♥

a beautiful flower from the garden ♡

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