Hello lovebirds! I hope you're doing very well. It's that time of the month again.
August went by so quickly. This whole year went by very fast. It was not an easy year but god, it was worth it. I have no regrets. I lived it fully. I probably didn't sleep enough and didn't eat healthy enough. In the end, who cares? When you're happy doing the things you love with your people, the rest doesn't really matter.
1. My family who was there for me all the way. We have had our ups and downs but in the end, it only brought us closer. At this time last year, it was pretty bad between us and when I look at us now... It's simply amazing.
2. My gift: Italy. It was my first - and only - big trip this year. It was the only break I could take. I had such a good time. It's the only time off I've had in over a year and a half.
3. This photoshoot. It was the first time I did something like this and my friend Sara was amazing. I'm smitten with what she did.
4. My former colleagues. Guys, if you're reading this: thank you so much for everything. I have had an amazing work year. I've been lucky enough to have amazing co-workers. They are the best thing about my old job. I'm going to miss them.
5. My friends. My birds. My incredible support system. Sometimes, I simply can't believe how lucky I am to have people checking up on me and to have such amazing nights and days with them. Having 545 birds following me is also surreal. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I honestly don't know how they manage to put up with my shit on a daily basis. You deserve a fucking medal.
What are you grateful for this month?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
She’s the type of woman who dances in the rain and swims naked under the moonlight. She will stop everything to help an animal in distress and will fight alongside those who’ve been wronged. She is strong and beautiful—and can be hard as hell to love. Loving a wild-hearted woman means checking your ego at the door: know that you’ll never own her heart. You see her heart is wild as she wanders on her own path letting the wind guide her way. She believes in karma, crystals and good coffee. She is a nomad, always stretching her wings and ready for the next adventure.
– Michele Genzardi.
My favourite quote has to be this one: “not all those who wander are lost”.
I have done a lot of wandering in my life. I never stay somewhere for more than a year. In fact, for the first time, I'm breaking the circle. It’s been 1 year and a half now. I like my flat. I am close to everything. I can travel. I can see my friends. I’m starting a new job soon. I’m moving. Moving up. Moving forward. I never stop. I never take a second to breath. I’m holding on. Not letting myself catch a break.
I feel more alive when I’m traveling. By this time next year, I might end up in England or Ireland. Who knows? Life is way too unpredictable. I’ve learnt to live it day by day. One day at the time. I want to see more of this world. Traveling is good for the soul. It inspires me and it helps me grow as a person. Everyday, I feel the need to meet new people & talk to strangers in the street to feel alive. I like hanging out with inspiring people. I thrive in a friendly & driven environment. I can’t do calm and quiet anymore. I don’t have any time to lose.
I might have already lost too much. Mostly time, energy and love. It’s all conceptual. I go where life takes me. I grab any opportunity coming my way. I open every door. I have no regrets. I always say yes. I am constantly on the lookout for new adventures.
Thankfully, I have people by my side who are more careful than I am and can bring me back to the right set of minds. I should think before I go, before I speak, before I rush into everything. I shouldn’t rely on others like that. It’s not fair on anyone.
It’s like I don’t have time to stop. I’m a girl on a mission. What’s my mission? Taking everything life has to offer and enjoy it while I still can.
I’m afraid of settling down. Stepping down. Taking everything in and wonder. I’m a gipsy soul. Unsure of everything: “surrendering gratefully to wherever life takes me. “ I’m hard to gasp and love. I’m intense. Too quick to follow. Is that why they always leave?
What are your thoughts? Do you feel like you have a wild heart?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
© Photos by my girl @sarasou.8 ♡ Thank you xx
Hello my birds! I hope all is well. I’m doing my very first what’s in my bag because I like to see what everybody else carries around in their bags I thought I would show you what’s in my everyday bag. Of course, I decided to show you what’s inside my small bag so you won’t be too scared by the amount of crap I take with me everyday ahahah
― the handbag.
Please note that this is my only designer handbag. I understand how controversial those bags can be and would like to point out that I can do whatever the hell I want with the money I earnt, worked and saved for many years. I started working since I was 16. I have always liked pretty expensive things and that's okay. I do not think you need one but I do not regret investing in my handbag. Not many people understand that but that's okay. I'm not asking you to understand why I would rather have one timeless good quality thing rather than a lot of cheap things. Simply respect whatever anyone wants to do with their lives. It's none of your concerns. We all do what we want and should always respect that. This is not the point of this blog. That being said, let's move on, shall we?
As you might remember from my 5 good things back in July I treated myself to a second-hand designer handbag. And yes, I'm in love with it and have no regrets whatsoever. I have always wanted to invest in a designer handbag. For a while, I was torn between a Faye, a Drew and an Antigona but went for the small Drew as I got a very good discount on it.
As you can see there are a lot of room left in this small bag. I can usually fit a few more bits and bobs than those shown in the pictures. I took this bag with me on my trip to Milan and found it so useful. I managed to take with me everything I needed for my days and nights out.
Fyi, my camera is not shown since I am using it to photograph this but it could easily fit inside. I feel like this is the perfect size for me. Besides, after wearing this bag all day in the Italian summer, I can assure you that the chain didn’t hurt my bare shoulder. To be honest, I was afraid it would. The only other bag I own with a chain strap is my Zara bag. It never stays put and hurts my shoulder after a while. For this price tag, it better be heaven on my shoulder. Judging by the past few months, I'm sure I will get a lot more wear out of this bag.
― the small purse.*
This delicate small purse was a gift from Radley London for my 23rd birthday last year. I love it to pieces. It’s so pretty and timeless with its gold metal and black leather. I have worn it for over a year and it still looks brand-new. I have taken it on many girls’ nights out and day trips. We all know how it goes… I can fit pretty much almost all my cards and a lot of coins in there. It’s just THAT good. Forever thankful for this gift from the Radley’s team.
― the rest of the crap.
I have a few random things in there like: tissues – well, you never know when this could come in handy -, chewing gum – I might have an addiction -, one of my fav lipsticks, my earphones and of course my phone.
What about you? What’s inside your everyday bag?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin. You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
In the big scheme of things, it all sounds pretty futile, doesn’t it? I mean what’s that tiny little thing compared to what’s going on around the world?
I don’t know what it is. I’m not really sure when it happened but I have changed. I have gone into this kind of mood where it seems like nothing really matters anymore. Who am I to complain about anything or hold any grudge or judgement over anyone or anything? What rights do I have? How can I pretend this is important when the world around us is crashing down?
It’s not that important. It won’t change my life. It won’t make a difference in the world. Thus, why should I care? Why should I bother? Now, it all goes above my head. It floats away.
I used to be someone who would argue about pretty much anything with anyone. I could be picky and uneasy. One even said I was very opinionated. A long time ago, I decided that I had to change people. I had to make this world a better place. It was sort of my responsibility to fix their lives.
This year has taught me many things. Among those things, there are valuable lessons. I need to see people for what they are and not what they could be.
Life is too short for me to spend it trying to fix what’s broken. Broken doesn’t mean something is wrong. Broken cannot always be fixed. Sometimes, it’s better to simply let it be broken and walk away.
I’m not saying I gave up on people or relationships. I simply realized that it was consuming. It was exhausting to fight those battles alone, to be the only one making an effort. To try to give life to what was already dead. There was no fire left and by trying to light it up, I was extinguishing my own fire.
By trying endlessly to hold on to what was already gone, I was wasting my energy, my love, my time. The negativity was spreading all over me. Having so much empathy that you can relate to anyone - or any situation - is draining. You always put yourself in their shoes. I have this habit of expecting people to do the same. Unfortunately, it seems like something not everyone can do.
Where was that girl who always saw the bright side? That Bossy girl who would always find a silver lining to pretty much anything? She was left alone, cold and tired on the side of the road. What had she gained from giving her all to the wrong people? Nothing. Emptiness.
That’s why that girl has now decided to forget and forgive. To let others, fight their own battles. To let them argue and waste their time on frivolous things without her. She had far more better things to take care of. Sadly, in this universe, what they were determined to bicker about was nothing. If it didn’t involve life or death, she would not be bothered anymore. She would pick her battles more carefully now. Only fight for those who needed and valued her.
What are your thoughts? What’s the most important thing you have learnt his year?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Hello lovelies! I hope you're doing very well. Today, I'm doing the desert island makeup tag. Basically, I'll tell you why and what I would take with me on a desert island. I had to narrow it down to makeup otherwise I would have gone a bit overboard... I managed to size it down to
― Charlotte Tilbury, Light wonder.
The first item on the list is noooo surprise. I'm sure by now you're sick of hearing me go on and on about the Light Wonder foundation from Charlotte Tilbury. To this day, I simply have not found anything as good as this foundation. It's a perfect match for my skintone (I'm a mac NW15). It's light and luminous. It has SPF15. What else can I ask for?
― Nars, Radiant creamy concealer.
Same old. Same old. We all know this little guy. I will always be loyal to this concealer. Well, until I find something as good as this one. My concealer is on the shade: Vanilla.
― Laura Mercier, Invisible pressed setting powder (universal).
My little gift from my dear mother is getting emptier... I will definitely be repurchasing it. I cannot live - and leave - without this magic baby. This famous sugar is worth every penny. It's like
― Benefit, Gimme brow.
I'm starting to see a pattern here. Have I become a creature of habits? Oh sit. Once again, if I only use one brow product this one would make the cut. I have the shade 1 and it matches my eyebrow like nothing else. You can never go wrong with this brow-volumizing fiber gel!
― Too faced, better than sex.
Classic choice. Back to basics. I always go back to this baby. I prefer the mini version as it is cheaper and this way I can actually finish it before having to throw it away. Please note: a mascara cannot be kept more than 1-3 months.
― Zoeva, stippling brush & Real Techniques, powder brush.
I own quite a lot of makeup brushes. It's a secret addiction of lazy girls but shhh let's keep this secret to ourselves! This stippling brush is my favourite way to apply foundation. It takes me less than 1 minute to do it: time saver. My trusted RT brush has been all over the world with me and it has a couple of years on its belt. Nonetheless, it still looks hella bomb.
― Stila, stay all day liquid lipstick.
Whenever I'm traveling, going out on a girls night, I will always reach out for this lipstick. Fiery is the perfect red. Am I the only who feels like you can never go wrong with a bright red? Sometimes, I wear no makeup at all and just rock this little baby. I feel fierce!
What products would you take? What have you been loving lately?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Don't forget to subscribe on bloglovin. You can also find me on twitter and instagram.
Hello lovebirds,
I hope all is well. I don't think I've ever done a homeware wishlist which is quite odd as I loooove home decor. Probably like 90% of the girls I know or follow. I love homeware. I guess the best part of having my own space is that I can design it however I want. I can make it a reflexion of me. It can be my very little happy place. My flat is my home. I love that feeling I get when you open the door. Don't you love that feeling? It comes pretty close to the feeling you get after you're finally reunited with your
In this flat, I've really been feeling it. It's like a blank canvas. Everything is white: the walls, the floor. It's dreamy. I'm loving it. I'm building it one paycheck at the time. Yeah, it's taking time. I'll share a few snaps with you as soon as one room is finished... So stay posted, my birds!
I gathered here items I love and wish I could buy. I can't wait to find out which ones you like! If you have any recommandations do not hesitate to share those with me :)
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Here you go. Those are my dream items. What's on your homeware wishlist? Do you like home decor?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Hello lovebirds,
I'm that kind of person. I trust my guts. I don't do usual. I do weird, out of the box. Stand alone. All or nothing. Ride or die. Jump in or out. No tip-toeing, no thinking before I speak. I don't believe in words. I don't believe in settling for something. I don't believe in second choices. I would rather do nothing than to half do something. I don't trust appearances. They are always misleading. Things are always more complicated than that. There are always two sides to every story.
However, I can understand why someone would consider it. It brings security. It brings some kind of confort in knowing that you won't have to work twice as hard. It can also be a safety net. It's a safe bet.
Life ain't easy. So why should you complicate things? Why should you pick the complicated over the plain simple? Why bother? Because it makes you feel alive. Taking a risk makes your heart beat ten times faster. Being bold and brave are exhilarating. Saying yes - and no when necessary - to life is what makes it so surprising and wonderful.
What do you think about settling? Have you ever had to settle?
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
Hello my sweet birds!
I hope all is well for you. For those who didn't get to go on holidays or catch a break, well done! You are some badass people. Good luck!
I was lucky enough to get a couple of days off from work and went on a small vacation to Milan. In case you missed it, you can find both articles: here & there. I chatted some more about my wee holidays & Milan's street arts.
I thought I'd do a little Beauty haul. In this collective haul is a bit of everything I have been lusting over the past few months.
― Kiehl's, creamy eye treatment
I've been meaning to try kiehl's for a while now. The price tag has been the reason I put it off for so long... It's fairly expensive. As I was on holiday, I ran out of my favourite eye cream. In Milan, there were a lot of shops selling Kiehl's. It didn't take long for me to make the final step... I've not tried it for long enough to be able to do a full review but it will certainly be coming your way very soon.
― Bath & Body works, Vanilla Buttercream hand nourishing hand cream
At first, I was going to purchase one of their hand sanitizers but a glance at their sales had me thinking otherwise. There were a lot of nice bargains. My favourite bodyshop hand cream was getting emptier and here there was one unknown and reduced to half price... Smelling like heaven on earth... I had no choice. You would have done the same thing, wouldn't you? However, the only thing I love is the smell. It's not nourishing enough for my dry hands...
― Wet'n'wild, megaliner liquid eyeliner
I have been after this eyeliner for quite some time now but this brand is impossible to find in France. Thanks to Italy, I was finally able to get my hands on it. I will do a review soon. I want to compare it to my current Zoeva eyeliner.
― Hourglass, ambient lighting palette
Okay, let's face it: I'm weak. In Milan, for the first time, I got to swatch the
― NYX lingerie, Exotic
This one I bought on a whimp. It was not like I needed more lipsticks, wasn't it? I wanted a change, something new. I hadn't tried much from Nyx and had heard a lot about it (#bloggersmademedoit) Soon after that, I learnt the most horrendous thing. Nyx's products contain ingredients which come from animals... What the fuck, NYX? It's 2017... Can't you leave animals alone?
― Too faced, better than sex mascara
This is an old time fav. I'm going back to basics this month. Why change a winning team?
― Garnier, micellar water
I was in need of a new makeup remover and I came across this one. I was intrigued. We both exchanged a deep look. I sized it down. Investigated. Observed. I was conquered. Let's see how I get along with my very first product from the Skinactive range.
Have you tried any of those products? What did you buy recently? Tell us in the comments.
Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon ♥ x
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